Chapter 35- Sadly (Filler)

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(This chapter is filling in the details of the things that happened after chapter 34, and is shorter than the rest. Just preparing you. I wanted to update because I haven't in a little while. I missed you guys!)

*Klay's POV*

"UGHH SHE'S NOT IN THIS ONE EITHER!!!" Tae's voice boomed from the speaker in Blake's phone.

"Can you calm down! Your making Klay tense!" Steph exaggerated to the phone.

"HE SHOULD ALREADY BE TENSE." She screamed back at him, and he slumps down in his seat.

But she was right, I was already tense. The love of my life, the apple of my eye, my wife & the mother of my unborn child, that I just found out about less than an hour ago, is about to go and get rid of it. I didn't mean to act that way towards her, I mean how was I supposed to know she was already pregnant? I've never really gotten a girl pregnant before. When she finally told me, my reaction was unjust, and it probably scared her. Truth is I'm not ready to be a father, but I'd do anything with her.

"Klay what exactly did you say?" Stephen says breaking me from my train of thought.

"Yeah, cause i'm still trying to figure that out." Tae says, and Blake turns her volume down.

"I told her that having a baby right now would be a mistake." I said slowly.

"WOW WTF GOOD GOING KLAY. I GUESS YOUR SWITCHING PERSONALITIES WITH STEPHEN NOW AND ANOTH-" Tae screams but Blake takes her off of speaker phone, when he sees a slight tear run down my face by accident. I didn't mean to let it fall, but it just happened. Her words were true.

"She's right Steph." I said quietly.

"Haha.." Steph laughs looking out the window, obviously hurt by what he just witnessed Tae say.

"Lighten up, she's just angry." Blake says rubbing Steph's shoulder from the back seat, which amazes me because that's the first time I've seen Blake be nice to Stephen since my engagement dinner, and that was almost a year ago.

"I don't think she's getting an abortion." Tae says after Blake puts her back on speaker phone.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because when we were in high school, she wouldn't stop ringing my line, talking about how cute y'all babies would be. Now that her dream has came true, she's not giving up that baby. Not for anything in the world. She might even give you up, but not that baby." She finishes, then takes a second to laugh. "I was joking about the last part."

I let go of my breath. "Good."

"Where could she be then?" Steph asked.

"I think I might know where she might be." I said, doing an illegal U-turn in my car, and speeding down the street.


I pull up to the lake I took Destiny to, when we made one year together. I told Stephen and Blake to wait in the car while I went looking for her.

Normally, I wouldn't leave them in a car together, alone. But right now isn't about their rivalry. Right now isn't about Tae. Right now is about finding Destiny and my child.

Tae's words keep echoing in my head, and I feel bad all over again for the horrible things I said to Destiny before she stormed off. This must be god punishing me for not keeping a leash on my mouth. I knew deep down in my heart I was paying the price.

Wondering through the grass near the bay, and I sit saying a small prayer.

After whispering those words to god, I hear a small rustling sound in the grass. It was quiet and quick. I wait for the sound again, and follow it. But it was nothing but a small squirrel. My eyes saddened again, as I headed back to the car.

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