Where You Belong

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"FUCK!" he yells into the sky, kicking a trashcan over.
He drops himself on the front steps of the building to bury his flushed irate face into his hands. He cries for the first time since his brother died.

Someone sets their hand on his shoulder,
"leave me alone" he sighs
He turns and between the blurriness caused by tears he can see her, the only person in the world who could make his heart stop aching.

"I knew the only guy crazy enough to cause such a commotion had to be you"

Joe throws his arms around her, hugging her tight, as if afraid she'd try to run away, "I thought you were on that plane."
a bit shocked, Candy explains "that was for Sacramento, I'm going to LA. But what are you doing here?"

His red eyes meet hers and with a shaken raspy voice Joe says what he had practiced all morning in front of a mirror.
"I came to tell you that" he takes her hand,
"from the moment I met you I became envious of all whom you gave your attention to and I've wanted you for myself.
from the moment I kissed you, you became my muse and made me a better musician.
from the moment we shared a bed I discovered I'm only happy by your side."

Her eyes became lit with a fire of truthful glee, she must have been dreaming for she had never heard sweeter words before.

"Oh Joe" a tear of joy ran down her cheek,
"When I met you I knew I had seen perfection face to face.
My heart and all its abilities to love were stolen by that gentle kiss you gave upon my hand.
Without you colors are faint, food is insipid, the morning gray and I incomplete."
A smile painted his lips as he drew a long breath of relief, the color came back to his cheeks.

The lovers ended their feud with a kiss, a kiss that sprung angelic voices from heaven.

"Lets not allow something so stupid get in between us ever again" she begs.
"No, never. And if you try to run away again I'll come for you, I'll make a bigger scene than this one and I'll bring you back where you belong."
They share a laugh and kiss again, holding each other close,
it felt like coming home after a long cold night lost in the rain, only better.

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