Go Ask Candy

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Joe and I slip into the cab at past two in the morning, the others may or may not have left already. Once we're seated I rest on his shoulder exhausted, he wraps his arms around me and then suddenly asks "So the person you said you cheated on me with is the bassist of the Ramones?"
Taken aback I look up at him, "how'd you know?"
"I could tell he made you uneasy, and also how he smiled at you. But what I couldn't compute was what you saw in him? He looks nothing like me."
I let out a laugh, "you're so vain" I kiss his cheek.
"Also Sensible, you don't like that kind of fool do you?"
"I like his persona but you've nothing to worry about."
"I'm just curious. I know you drool for me only."
I laugh again, "that is correct and you'll only cry for one girl, which is me."
"I'll get on hands and knees for my baby"
We smile and kiss.

I'm dreaming when someone begins to knock on our door, I look at Joe's wrist watch sitting on the bed-side table, it signals 8AM. Who the hell could it be? They knock again, I shake Joe but he's sound asleep so I get up by myself. Picking up one of his shirts from the floor I make my way to the door opening it only a little, Its April.

"April? What are you doing here so early? I thought we take off past noon" I say my eyes, still hardly open.
"I wanna tell you something, can I come in?"

We sit on the bathroom floor, I don't wanna wake Joe.
"What is it?" I ask resting my head on my hand, yawning.
"You saw me with Johnny yesterday right?"
I nod
"Well, we spent the whole night together, he took me to his hotel and it was magical, we talked until dawn not even sleeping."
"That's nice April" I say not really processing.
"Candy I love him! And he loves me! He asked me to go with him to America"
My eyes open wide, "Wait, what?! You met him yesterday, you can't love him. And America?! What for?"
"Yes and? You told us Joe and you fell in love at first sight. The Pistols are touring there and he wants me to come! He wants me to be his girl, I'm so excited! I cannot believe this is happening."

My heart is beating almost as quickly as hers but for different reasons,
"When are you leaving? What about the Angelfucks?"
Her smile quickly fades, "That's why I came to talk to you, their tour starts in two days. I really appreciate all you and the others have done for me and you've been amazing friends. But, but I think its time I move on. You guys can easily get a new girl, Lily for example."
I frown, "move on? You'll be doing the same thing you're doing now only you won't be in a band. How is that moving on?!"
"I'll have the love of my life with me."
"You're seventeen! He's not the love of your life April, come on he's Johnny Rotten!"
Now she frowns too, "You don't know him like I do! And stop acting like you're smarter than me, you're not. I'm leaving either way, I was just letting you know. Goodbye" she states harshly standing up.
I don't follow her, I don't beg at people, I simply frown to myself in the bathroom and say "what a bitch!"
Once I've cooled off I lie next to Joe, its 9AM now, I'm about to doze off when another knock comes upon the door.

"Ugh did she regret her decision already?" I whisper to myself as I open the door, Paul is standing behind it. I cross my arms over my chest swiftly as I'm not wearing a bra,
"What is it?"
"May I come in?"
I roll my eyes, "No."
He walks in anyway and sits at the edge of the bed, "I need help."
He sighs, "I fucked up big time, I'm in trouble."
"And what makes you think I can help?"
"I dunno, you're sort of the smart one of the group."
Pft, how ironic
"At least you think so" I say recalling April's comment.
"Rachel's dad is after me. He's in the mafia or some shit, she didn't tell me but he owns the club we were at last night. When everyone was leaving we decided to have some fun in the parking lot and some big guys who work for her dad spotted us."
"Wait, what? Mafia?!" I ask scared and confused.
"Yeah, that's what some locals told me."
"Wait, what happened then?"
"They attacked me, the fuckers, but I punched one and ran. I think Rachel's gonna be grounded." He says trying to be funny.
"Its not funny idiot! If they find you you're dead."
"That's why I'm in your room and not mine."
I place my hands on my head throwing myself on the bed, my head landing on Paul's lap.
"But she won't tell who you are. I don't think, I mean, she likes you. She won't put us all at risk right?"
He shrugs, "You need to make Kosmo cancel the rest of the French dates."
I frown, "Get off! I don't make miracles!"
"Convince Joe! He brainwashes Kosmo into anything, but promise me you won't tell anyone, If the mafia don't kill me, they will."
I sigh, "You owe me a big one idiot...Don't even dare go out until we're back in safe grounds."
"I'll stay under a rock, thank you!" He kisses my forehead then gets up, "I'll be in Piper's room."
"She's with Dee Dee"
He lifts his shoulders meaning a "so?" And walks out.

I lay and think for a little, what will I tell Joe? How does life sometimes turn suddenly so complicated? This time its not even my fault.

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