We Fought The Law + The Law Won

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In this Chapter a new character is introduced: JoeMickPaulTopper as April! (:
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Paul is changing while Joe and I tune our guitars,
"Hey there's a bunch of kids outside who couldn't get in" Says Mick walking into the dressing room.
"I saw, what's that about?" asks Joe facing Kosmo who was across the room smoking
"Its an expensive city"
"But we're cheap" says Paul
"Yeah we ain't the bloody Stones" agrees Joe.
Kosmo shrugs as he couldn't exactly do anything about the prices. When he leaves the room Mick and Joe head to the back window and open it.
"Hey!" they yell out, I walk towards them and look down, there's a crowd of like 10 youngsters looking up. One of them yells back with a thick Scottish accent,
"Hey! Will you help us get in? we really like your music but we don't got tickets"
"Can you climb?" asks Joe, the punks look at each other smiling and then one by one they build a human chain. Joe and Mick reach down and pull them up, I stepped back with Paul observing, smiling at the act.
In came mostly guys, except for a girl looking around the age of seventeen, she wore plaid trousers, black Docs and a yellow Never Mind the Bollocks shirt.
The guys shook hands with Joe and Mick smiling, she hugged Mick thanking him, he laughed flattered. Paul led them outside to where the crowd was.

When we finish our set we join the pit, Its crowded as fuck so its hard to move, especially since the Gorilla Guards keep pushing us back.
We start jumping and dancing as usual until the gorillas start fighting with some guys in the middle of my song, "Janie Jones."
Three fat blokes pick up two boys on my right and carry them outside, Mick got pissed and started yelling into the mic "Leave them alone! They're fucking dancing not fighting! Let them go!"
Joe, being a pacifist and all tried to calm everyone down as more fans began fighting with the guards, one of them being Piper.
"Come on knock it off!" he said waving his arm in the air, "We still got another song to do yet!"

A guy pushes me, I almost trip so I yell at him "Watch it asshole! Ain't nobody trying to go on stage!"
"Alright cool it!" Joe continued, kneeling down "Simmer down, control your temper!"
But no one listened, the guy who pushed me got mad because I pushed him back and tried to drag me out of the crowd, when Joe spotted us he jumped off the stage and with the mic stand hit him. Then, all hell broke loose.
Mick kicked a guy in the face and everyone started jumping on the stage as a symbol of not giving a fuck about the law. Someone called the police and the men in blue suits showed up to drag a bunch of us away. The rest ran out of the venue like ants.

In different cars they took us to the station, the guys got crowded into a cell, the girls into another. Among them me and Piper, I wondered what happened to Mattey and Lily, they probably got away with Topper and Paul.
The cell was dark and smelly, I kicked the bars pissed.
"Can you believe those fuckers?" asked Piper
I shook my head, "Welcome to Scotland" said a girl, I turned and recognized her as the one who hugged Mick earlier.
"Hi, I'm April" she held out her hand, we shook it. "Candy," "Piper."
"You girls have a fantastic band!"
We smile, "Thanks, how'd you end up in here as well?" asks Piper.
"They asked me for my ticket"
"Fucking luck" I reply
"Yeah, you must be the singer's girlfriend?"
"How'd you know?"
"By the way he jumped to your rescue" she laughs
"Pft. I didn't need him, I was doing fine myself."
"Probably, I kinda thought you would kick my ass when I hugged the guitarist"
I laughed, "Mick? nah, keep away from Joe and we'll be okay."
"Wait, how did you two meet?" asks Piper, we explain about earlier.
"Oh, so uh, are you by any chance skilled on guitar?" asks Piper
"I'm a guitar guru if I do say so myself" she replies proudly, "why?"
"We're looking for a lead guitarist to join the Angelfucks, and you have the look" I say.
She smiles flattered, "really? wow thanks, I would love to join!"
"But we gotta hear you play, and you have to go on tour with us," explains Piper.
"Fuck, is this real?! I've always dreamt of leaving this shit hole, I was planning on running away or something."
"Sounds just like what we need" I smile at her.

We hear steps approach, its Joe, Mick and Kosmo led by a police officer
"Lets go girls" says Joe as the guard opens up our cell.
"Who paid?"
"Who do you think?" says Kosmo in an annoyed tone.
"Wait, can we take April?" They turn around, "Who?"
"She's our friend and possibly new lead guitarist."
She smiles shyly at them, Kosmo sighs, "Alright, we'll take her too."
The guard lets her out, "Thank you so much!" She hugs him, then me and Piper.

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