Operation "Save Simo" Pt.2

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The cellar has wine barrels on the walls, a rustic chandelier hangs above the middle where we can see Paul sitting on a chair tied up. There's blood coming out his mouth and his eyes are swollen, his face is covered in sweat. Like Rachel said, two six-foot tall men with shaved heads stand in front of Paul, they're dressed in black t-shirts with black jeans, they've got a gun hanging to their black belt. They're not really doing anything but conversing with each other, things we obviously don't understand, Paul has his face down, I doubt he's conscious.

"Lets just jump and get them while they're still distracted, you two get the biggest one, I'll take care of the one in the right. Candy you'll untie Paul." Whispers Joe. We nod and as we are about to jump from the corner onto these two hunks a door to the right of the men swings open. Its a man none of us had seen before, yet we all knew who it was, the head of the snake.

"Wake up!" He yells, Paul doesn't move.
"You thought you could come here, contaminate my little flower then leave didn't you? Didn't you?!" He slaps Paul who wakes up breathing heavily and with horror in his blue eyes.
"You're never contaminating anything again, scum." He spits on his beat-up face as from his pocket pulls out a penknife, he swings the blade open and directs it towards Paul's groin. At this the two guards chuckle then suddenly and without warning Joe runs out of alley we were hidden and jumps atop the 40-something year old man.

Topper and Kosmo's eyes become wide, they swiftly pick themselves up and each grab a guard from behind. I feel like I'm watching an action movie that's laced with comedy as Joe is clinging to the man's back, having him on a chokehold whilst the man tries to set himself free.
"Help me out!" Yells Paul, I come back to my senses and run towards him. I pick up the knife the man dropped and cut him loose.

Paul gets up to hit the leader's ball sack then punches his stomach. I realize Topper's pinned to the wall being choked so I kick the guard's back, he groans and lets Topper go, he faces me frowning.
I move myself from the direction in which he threw his punch, thankfully it lands on the back of the other guard's head whom Kosmo was struggling with. He lands unconscious on the floor like a freshly cut tree trunk. Kosmo and Topper jump on the remaining one, the leader's now on the floor bleeding and grunting.

"Lets get out of here!" I yell.
Joe takes my hand and we run up the stairs, Topper and Kosmo follow helping the sore and barely able to move Paul.

"Open the door! Lets go!" Yells Joe swinging his free hand in the air, Mick and Piper jump up and swing the big door open.
"Paul! You're okay!" Piper hugs him tight, "ouch!" he whimpers placing his hand over his ribs. "Sorry" she says holding his swollen face, "I was so worried" she kisses him.
"No time! Lets go!" Says Joe pulling them apart.

And he's right, there is no time, steps trail behind us, the door swings open and out comes Rachel's father with a gun in his hand. Time stops as he points it to Paul's back, I feel Joe swing away from me and into his direction. The sound of the gun firing causes me to close my eyes, I become deaf for a couple resounding seconds. I'm afraid to open my eyes, I'm afraid to listen to the screams that surround me.
I don't want to find out what just happened.
But I do. Joe threw himself against him so that the bullet wouldn't go into Paul, it didn't. Instead it went straight into Kosmo's waist, he's on the floor as is Joe, open legged over the man, his hands against his neck. His face is turning blue.

"Joe! Stop lets go, Kosmo's injured" I pull him back, the man passes out. Joe takes his gun getting up.
"Mick get Kosmo out of here!" He commands while loading the gun. Mick and Topper lift Kosmo, he yells in pain.
"What are you doing?" I ask afraid.
"I'm not taking risks again" he takes my hand once more and we run behind the others, Paul and Piper trail behind us.

To our good luck, because we had forgotten about planning a way out, the gate was open, but as Mick, Topper and Kosmo step through it, it begins to close. We speed up, we cross, we wait for Piper and the struggling Paul.
"Hurry up!" I yell, then another deafening sound, a guy looking like the ones we saw before is running behind them shooting.
"Run Candy! Go to the bus now!" I follow Joe's instructions but look back, I see Piper crosses safely and running my direction, but I don't see Paul nor Joe. The gate is closed.

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