Everything's Fine

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Mattey presses our floor number as we enter the elevator, "What are we telling the guys?" she asks.
"Lets say we got arrested and spent the night in a cell" I propose.
"Arrested for what?" asks Lily
"Uh, indecency."
We laugh, "But seriously I don't want Joe to find out."
"Why don't we say we went to visit my grandmother?"
In unison we face April, "What? She's a kind woman" she says.
The elevator opens, we walk towards our room while my heart rate increases with every step.
Its not like he would know I cheated on him, but I knew, I also knew he cheated on me. Plus I was still sad, pissed and deceived, while at the same time feeling like a traitor myself.

Piper slides the key in, then the door swings open as if someone was waiting impatiently by it; Its Joe. He looked up taking a step through my four companions, swiftly pushing them aside (as I was purposely standing behind them), to hug me. I was startled, guilty I wrap my arms around him.
"Where have you been?" he asks looking me into the eyes, I notice his are dry and puffy.
Piper coughs a couple times walking into the room, her lips slip out a "hypocrite." He looks over his shoulder frowning at her then looks back at me waiting for my answer.
"We, we went to visit April's grandma. Kind woman she is, you should ask her about it" I say slipping under his arms quickly walking into the room, "I'm gonna take a shower, excuse me."
I walk into the bathroom, lock the door and a breath of relief leaves my lips.

Although you can't tell, I'm crying under the shower head, my tears blend with the warm water. I wish I could confront him, tell him its over and he can be free, free to go with every girl he pleases to. But I can't, I love him, I need him, I can't hold a grudge on him for long, nor a secret, we tell each other everything. Or I thought we did.
I step out of the shower, wrap a towel around me and press my ear against the door. Nothing. Perhaps they left for breakfast or to place the things in the bus, hopefully they did. I swing the door open, life is not so kind.

"Oh, sorry if I took long"
He doesn't say a word, just stares sternly, his body leaning against the doorway. My wet shoulder brushes his as I make my way out the bathroom, there's no one else in the room, damn traitors.
I decide to act like everything's fine and begin looking through my luggage for clothes.
"What's wrong?"
I look up, pretending to be confused, "wrong with what?"
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not."
"Are you mad at me?"
"Should I be?"
He thought about what I said for a second, then he looked down ashamed.
"Well, maybe I was wrong and everything's fine."
"Everything's fine" I repeat solemnly.
"Okay, I'll head out then, see you in the bus."
Not a word was spoken between us on the one hour and twenty minutes spent on the bus, nor when we arrived at Dundee.

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