Kosmo Vinyl

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"Are we all set boys and girls?!"
A chorus of thrilled "Yeahs'!" fill the air of the beaten up tour bus.
Kosmo turns the key making the motor roar,
"Lets tear the whole fucking continent apart!"
Everyone cheers, he steps on the gas, It is the start of magnificence.

As they sit blaring out their excitement, there's a faint noise trailing into the bus.
"Do you guys hear that?" Asks Candy,
"yeah, sounds like a girl screaming." says Paul.
Joe stood up, "Ey eh Kosmo, are there ghosts in this bus or somethin?"
"Oh My God! MICK!" yells Mattey who with all her adrenaline had forgotten's Mick request to keep the others from leaving, as he had to use the restroom.
They all peered their heads out the windows and bursted out laughing uncontrollably at Mick who was running behind the bus yelling "You fuckers! Good luck putting on a show without me! Fucking Wankers!"

Kosmo quickly halts the bus, causing Candy, Joe, Mattey, Paul, Piper and Topper to all land on the floor, one atop the other.
Grunting they pick themselves up to find Mick standing red like a wet tomato that had just been washed, sweat running down the side of his face. He was frowning.
The six staring punks laughed again.
"What happened back there? You can't stay behind, next thing you know we'll leave you in Berlin and I won't be able to find you." Asks Kosmo.

Kosmo was a long friend and manager of The Clash. He was the same age as Candy, 20. Whenever he smiled her way she blushed guiltily, but she couldn't help it, he was an attractive lad. Neither could Piper, who swooned at his sight.

"Ey I had to take a piss, blame Mattey here who forgets about her own fucking boyfriend." Mick says incensed, he makes his way to the back of bus.
The wheels begin spinning again.

***shift in Narration***

The bus has usual school-bus like seats but there's a bench in the corner where three could fit or one could lay. I was hoping I'd get to lay on Joe's lap on the way to Birmingham but Paul sat to my right.
I understand, he's Joe's best friend so its hard to keep them separated, but I got easily bored by their conversation about Cadillacs and Porsches.
They never talk about boring stuff, maybe they just wanted me to leave, so I did.

I walk towards Piper who was sitting at the front talking to Kosmo. I laughed a little to myself, "what a flirt" I thought.
"Hey" I say sitting next to her, giving her a look (the same look Paul gave me and Joe when he left us alone in my flat weeks ago).
"Hey Candy, you like my driving so far?" he asks
"Its a bit rough, but its aiight." I joke.
"I was just telling Kosmo he should teach me to drive"
"I can teach you." She rolls her eyes at me.
"Had you done this before, driven a band around?" I ask him.
"No, I'm new in the business."
"Yeah, you look younger than the others"
"Are you calling your boyfriend old?" he jokes,
I laugh, "no of course not, but he's been in a couple bands."
"And you?"
"Me? I'm a newbie as well, this is my first band."
"And thanks to me" states Piper.
Kosmo smiles at her through the mirror, It worries me that they might get together. Paul's not only Joe's best friend, but mine as well.
"It's hot as fuck!" I complain getting up again to sit alone on a seat where there was shade. I took off my boots and laid back to stare at the clouds out the window. I began to think, I take my pocket pen and journal out (I carry them everywhere). I smile at the picture of Joe I have taped to its cover, then I open it and write a song.

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