The Ramones are Groupies

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Once in the room there was subtle silence for a couple seconds, then they all hugged me, Piper, Mattey, April and Lily who had come backstage to see if I was okay. I smiled and teared up again while hugging them.
"I'm gonna kill him Candy! Just wait till he finishes the set and he's dead!"
I let out a laugh wiping my face dry,
"No Piper, its okay, really I knew this was gonna happen eventually." I shrugged, "Its a one night stand, its nothing" I say shaking my head trying to convince myself.
"It'll be okay, he's probably full of remorse" comforts Lily
"I don't understand why he did it"
"Because guys are hopeless, especially the attractive ones" assures April
"Fuck, tell me about it" replies Mattey.
"I'm glad I have you all as friends, you're the best" I say.
We group hug again.
"You know? The Ramones are playing downtown right now and the guy who works at the front is a friend of mine, do you girls wanna go smash it?" Proposes April, we all light up instantly.
"I'm down!" I reply excited hoping to run away again, hoping to never have to confront Joe. The song revealed enough.
"Lets get out of here!" exclaims Mattey.
We grab our coats and bags, squeeze into a cab and make our way downtown.
"Oh my god guys I LOVE The Ramones! I'm gonna die of excitement" says Piper once we're in the cab, we all agree smiling, I forget for a while I was even sad.
The venue is crowded, the band just started their setlist. The five girls hold hands and push everyone out of their way, now upfront they can examine the four guys.
Candy's attention is quickly stolen by the skinny bassist with muscly arms
"Damn, boy could get it" she jokes to Lily, she laughs replying "the guitarist too" then winks his way. April caught the eye of the singer so he pointed at her while singing a promiscuous song, her cheeks became red while the other girls giggled nonstop. They were all having a good time, dancing, jumping, and banging their heads. At one point the wild bassist kneeled in front of Candy with a flirtatious look on his face, feeling confident she reached in and pulled him from his shirt, they kissed.
"Candy!" gasped Piper.
"What? Its just a kiss" she laughed, "But I had my eye on him" she whines,
April and Lily gave have her a congratulatory "high-five" laughing.

When the punks with ripped jeans said goodnight the Angelfucks (including Lily who was considered one) went to get drinks.
"That was so fun! These guys are amazing!" says Mattey, still beaming with adrenaline.
"Honestly! They're so energizing" replies Lily.
"But we know who had the most fun here" says April nudging Candy's elbow.
"Glad Joe's forgotten" said Piper still a bit jealous.
She frowned, "I didn't forget him."
They stop their blabbering when four guys walk towards their table, its The Ramones themselves.

They're introduced as Joey, Tommy, Johnny and Dee Dee.
Dee Dee smiles at Candy, she smiles back shyly.
"Can we join you lovely ladies?" asks Joey.
The Angelfucks say yes, and so the Ramones sit around the girls to talk and drink.

"Whats your name again babe?" asked Dee Dee leaning into her face
"Candy, I really liked the way you kissed me"
She smiled feeling both embarrassed and aroused at the same time, with stabbing guilt and dizziness from the vodka.

Meanwhile Lily and Johnny had already surpassed the awkwardness and began kissing.
Joey kept flirting with April, while Mattey and Piper drank shots with Tommy.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Dee Dee asked with a flirtatious grin.
"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend"
He laughed and leaned in for a kiss, she gave it to him.


I open my eyes feeling hung over and confused, Dee Dee's sleeping so close to my face that I can feel his breath. There's an arm over his waist, I look down and notice he's naked.
"Fuck!" I whisper to myself, then I try hard not to laugh when I realize its Piper on the other side of him. How much fucking alcohol did we actually consume?

I meticulously lean over him and shake Piper "pst, wake up, we have to leave."
"Where are we?" she mumbles
"I think its their tour bus"
"Shit man, last night was fun" she says.
"Yeah well, we have to get back to the hotel before they leave us."
We got up putting on our clothes, we eyed the rest of the bus.

We see April asleep with Joey, Mattey with Tommy.
Piper wakes them giggling, Mattey looks petrified "Mick will kill me!"
"He won't find out, get up!" I reply.
Lastly I whisper at Lily who slept with Johnny, "Wake up bitch, time to go"
She groaned and stretched, then she kissed him as if saying goodbye.
"Come on! I don't wanna be left behind!" says Mattey pulling her by the arm.
We jump out of the bus, "So long, Ramones!" I say
"I had a good time boys, good time!" yells out April as we run down the street laughing.
"We are groupies" says Mattey in a preoccupied tone.
"Pft they are! They slept with the Angelfucks!"

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