"Interview? Pft, bitch is thirsty"

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When we arrived back at the hotel Mattey jumped into Mick's arms kissing him, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine" he replied smiling.
Kosmo warned us all that we couldn't go into fits with the law again, but we laughed it off. He also explained tomorrow we're headed to Edinburgh where we'll stay two nights for two gigs.

April arrived with her bags and guitar case after a couple of hours, she introduced herself to the rest of our "Punk Pride" (which is what I call us). She proved to be as good a guitarist as she claimed so we stayed up all night in the hotel room teaching her our songs and rehearsing; Joe slept with the guys in the other room. I'm exhausted, I'll probably be asleep the whole ride to Edinburgh.

And I was, It felt like a wink more than a nap but It brought enough energy to put on a show.

There's a lot of fans backstage tonight, among them a girl who works for a magazine saying she wants an interview with "the boys" about what happened back in Glasgow.
I scoffed, as if The Angelfucks weren't part of it too?
She carries a recorder and a pocket notepad along a cheap camera. I don't like her, nor her straight long blonde hair, nor the way she's too comfortable around Joe.
Him and the others are, of course, flattered and friendly as usual. And though I didn't like the idea, they did. We're obligated to leave them alone with that scrawny bitch.
Before walking out I lean into Joe and kiss him, he smiles blushing.

"You don't like her one bit do ya?" Asks April when we leave the room.
"Is it noticeable?"
She laughs, "you were stabbing her with your sight"
"Ugh, I get so jealous"
"I understand entirely" says Mattey.
"Oh come on, Mick and Joe love you two"
"yeah, but they have dicks" I reply to Piper's comment, she laughs then Lily assures me that "She's not even pretty."
I smile and nod, "Never mind that, lets go celebrate that our first gig with April was a success!"
"Amen!" yells Piper, the others cheer.
The five of us head to the bar smiling where we drink and laugh for the remaining time of their interview.
The next morning Candy woke up to a lonely bed, the other girls were snoring away. She shook Piper, "Have you seen Joe?"
"No, ugh let me sleep" She whined and went back to her slumber.
She wondered to herself if he had gone to bed with her the night before or if she was so drunk she didn't realize he wasn't there.

She knocks on the door across the hall, praying he would open
but its Paul half asleep.
"Do you know where Joe is?"
"He's not with you?"
"No" she says, her heart sinking afraid of finding out something she did not want to find out.
"Maybe he went for an early walk or somethin'"
"Did he come back to the hotel last night?"
Paul stood weary, wondering. Candy punched his bare shoulder,
"Did he come back last night?!"
"Hey, relax baby. I think so, I don't know. I was at the bar up late with Piper."
She stormed down the hallway, "Where are you going?!"
"To find that piece of shit!"

She was walking almost as quick as her heart was beating, not really sure of where to go or what she would do once she found him.
Thoughts crossed her mind, slap him, rip the hair off that bitch, punch her nose, kick his balls, kill both. But she didn't do any, she just ran like she often did whenever she faced distraught.

She was walking down the street when she spotted his figure walking out of a neighboring hotel, he was smiling at someone else, the interviewer.
Still wearing the clothes from last night he made Candy's nightmare became a reality. Instantly her view became blurred by tears; tears of rage, tears of sadness, tears that burnt.
Agitated she ran quickly out of the sight of everyone, to find a place to drain her disgust.

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