Chapter Two

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Next day, I was late to school. Blame my good-for-nothing alarm clock! It didn't even ring. Thank goodness my mum woke me up before she went off to work if not, I will still be happily sleeping. Sweat was flowing down my cheek and I quickly brush it out with the back of my hand as I took a turn to reach my second period class.

Knocking as softly as I could, I open the door to face at least 30 pairs of eyes looking directly at me. I blushed and look down to hide my embarrassment. I hate being the center of attention.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms. McGowan." The sound of my Maths teacher’s voice, Mr McGuire, makes me look up at him with an apology face.

"Sorry about that." I apologised.

"Since it's only your first time coming into my class late, I will let you off with a warning. But I won't hesitate to give you a detention next time." I mentally groan but nodded at him and I lazily walk up to my seat. I believe it's going to be a good day today. (Note the sarcasm)

After a gruesome 2 periods of Maths and 2 periods of English, we were finally dismissed for lunch. I happily skipped my way to the cafeteria. But my happiness was short-lived when I saw a couple in front of me. 

There they were, perfect as can be.

Zayn has one of his hands resting on the locker and leaning towards Sally, who has her back resting on the locker. I quickly turn around when their heads were leaning towards each other. My heart dropped and I blinked away my tears.

I have officially lost my appetite but I still need to go to the cafeteria to meet Jenny. But I can't go there because they are in the way and I really don't feel like talking to either both of them. I just have to keep my head down and just walk straight and pray that they are too busy kissing each other faces to notice me. I took a huge breath and turn back around to walk to my destination. I was almost there when, "Lucky!" Damn! So close. I plastered a fake smile and turn around to face the couple I dread to see

"Hey." They greeted in unison.

"Hey, Zayn and Sally." I greeted back and couldn't help but trail my eyes at his arm around her shoulder for a nanosecond.

"Hello Lucky." Sally greeted again and I just gave her a small smile, which I know shows a hint of fake in it. I’m sure Zayn can sense the fake smile if he won’t too busy giving googly eyes at Sally. "Where cha' heading to?" She asked.

"Cafeteria. For lunch." I mumbled.

"Oh, we'll walk together." As much as I don't want to, I can't say anything that might cause suspicious. I just nodded and walk ahead with the couple tailing behind me. 

I open the cafeteria door and quickly head towards my normal table, Jenny not been there yet. To my surprise, both Zayn and Sally sat in front of me. "Um, what are you guys doing here?"

"We figured we will sit with you and Jenny today. Besides I haven't had lunch with my best friend in the cafeteria for so long." I just smile a little at Zayn’s answered. "Now, I'm going to go grab some lunch for you guys."

"Oh no, it's okay. I can get it myself." I was about to stand up when he interrupted me. "Lucky, I can get it for you, okay." Seeing how persistent he can be, I just nodded and let him. He stood up to grab our lunch but not before giving a peck on the lips for Sally. I quickly averted my eyes away from them. Both Sally and I were quiet for a while. I don't want to talk to the girl that somehow stole what I want but that's just my bitchiness side talking so I open my mouth and say, "So... I heard you had a date with Zayn yesterday." Why the HECK did that pop out of my mouth?! I mentally slap myself.

At that mention her eyes brightens up. "Yeah, we did. It was. He took me out to a romantic dinner and a stroll in the park for a while. He was real romantic the whole time. I never knew he can be quite a gentleman." I just nodded along to what she said. "We hang out a lot but that was our first date." She had this real big goofy smile on her face that makes me want to slap it off but I restrained myself.

"Since it is your first date with him, isn't it too early to come out as a couple already?"

"I know. But I can't deny the chemistry we had for each other. When we hang out, I can get comfortable with him. Like I can be myself, unlike my previous relationships. And I really like him. And our kiss... It's like fireworks." Unknowingly, I was making a fist with my hands but luckily they were under the table.

Finally, both Jenny and Zayn came with trays filled with food. Jenny's eyes flickered from me to Sally and I just nodded, telling her that I was okay whilst deep down I feel like my heart is sinking like the titanic. And I'm pretty sure she knows I'm lying but just drop it. The whole lunch break was a pain to me. Sure I cut in some the conversations the trio were talking but I can't help myself by constantly taking note of how close they were sitting. Like how many times Zayn kept holding her hand or the many times they look into each other's eyes. 


I never thought I was happy to have heard the bell ring. I quickly said goodbye to both Zayn and Sally and dragged Jenny out of the place.

Biology. Really hate the subject. I never really hate the class because Zayn's my partner but now, I'm not really sure if I like the class anymore or not. Sitting at my table while waiting for the class to start, I look out of the window. Sun's shining brightly, showing what a beautiful day it is. A slight breeze is constantly blowing, making the atmosphere less humid. How I wish I was somewhere else than being stuck in school. I didn't realize I was too deep in dreamland until I saw a hand waving in my face. Snapping out of my daze, I look at the owner of the hand.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Zayn asked.

"About being outside than being in this god damn place." I hear him chuckling next to me.

"Aw... It's not that bad. I'm here aren't I?" I look at him and locked my eyes with his for a few seconds. But you're with her. Not me. I just smiled and nodded.

Soon class starts and as boring as it was, I managed to survive through the class without falling asleep. The rest of the day went by as slow as a turtle and as boring as the class before. Finally school ended and I took a deep breath in relief.

As I was walking with Jenny, I saw Zayn walking with Sally towards his red Volvo car. They both enter and sped off from school. And just like that, he forgot that he was supposed to walk with me home together. Like he always do.


Sorry if it's too short. Just a filler.

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