Chapter Eight

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I can feel the sun rays behind my eyelids. Slowly I fluttered my eyes open but only to shut them back because I couldn't handle the brightness of the sun. I shifted my position on my bed to turn around and snuggled back under my covers, while wrapping on my arms around my very hard pillow. Wait...what? I patted my hard pillow only to realise it wasn't a pillow. I slowly lifted up my head and took a peek. 

In front of me is a sleeping Zayn. My eyes widened and I quickly shut my mouth with the palms of my hands to prevent myself from screaming. After being able to process what was in front of me, my eyes scan his whole face. He looks like an angel sleeping. He looks so peaceful that I don't have the hard to wake him up. The sun shines bright on his face, framing his well-sculptured features and his butterflies eyelashes rested nicely on his face. I leaned closer to his face to get a more clear view on his face. Just watching him sleep calms me. I could watch him sleep everyday. "Take a picture. It will last longer." My heart jumps hearing his voice and quickly leaned back. His right eye opens to take a peek before this other eye opens too. He looks around before letting out a big yawn. "Good morning." I just nodded at him and stood up to my dresser, to hide my blushing face. I stood in front of my full-length mirror and tried to regain last night's memory. "You were knocked out because you were too sleepy so I took you to bed." I turned around as Zayn spoke up.

"That doesn't explain why you were in bed with me."

"Oh," He chuckled before continuing, "Yeah, as I was about to leave, you pulled back my hand and whispered to me to not leave you so I got in under the covers with you." And just like that, I remembered clearly. I was too sleepy and was still thinking about Him and Sally and getting scared that he will leave him that I asked him to stay with me. I didn't exactly tell him to stay with me last night. I actually was trying to tell him not to leave me alone when he's already got a girlfriend. A pair of arms interlocked with my waist and I felt his head resting on the top of my head. "Don't worry. We didn't do anything. It's not like we haven't slept together before."

Yeah, we slept together on the same bed like.... when we were 6! I slowly leaned back and rested on him and we stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence. We could have stood there forever if we won't interrupted by my stomach growling. I blushed a deep red as Zayn chuckled loudly. "Come on, get ready. We head to Starbucks for breakfast."

"Don't you need to change?" He took a look at himself and just shook his head. I, too, scan him from head to toe. He pulled the sexy messy bedhead look so I just struggled and got dress in my bathroom.


"Ahhh.." I sip some of the heavenly drink named Hot Chocolate as Zayn took a huge bit out of his chocolate muffin. "Starbucks always hit the spot for me." I commented and nibbled on my sandwich. Zayn just nodded because he had his mouth full.


Zayn took out his phone while wiping his mouth with his tissue. My eyes are fixated on him as he was typing in his phone. After a few minutes, he shove his phone back and gulped down his coffee. "I gotta go. Something came up." He quickly took his coat and gave me a peck on the top of my forehead before dashing off, leaving me in a daze of confusion.Okay...What just happened? Before I could process anything, my phone vibrated.

Where are you? -Alex

Starbucks. Alone :( -Lucky

I can fix that ;) -Alex

I smile at his reply and set my phone aside. Having Alex around changes a bit of my life. I mean, I love Zayn and all but it's sometimes good to have another guy friend around. And Alex came in just in time as Zayn was hanging around with his new girlfriend. As I was nibbling halfway through my sandwich, suddenly my view became dark. "Guess who?" Alex whispered near to my ear. I can feel him breathing down my neck, making me blush. What's with the guys making me blush? I smiled as I pulled his hands away from covering my eyes and looked up at him, but instead of smiling at him, I frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked as he sat in front of me.

"I thought you were Zac Efron." I crossed my arms and pout.

"Sorry to disappoint." He smiled and took a sip from my hot chocolate.

"Hey!That's mine!Get your own, Gaskarth."

"Such a party pooper, McGowan."

"Of course." I replied as he stood up to go to the counter. A few minutes later Alex came back with a tray that is fill with a cup of cappucino and 2 chocolate muffins.

"Why are you alone?" He asked, as he lean back on his chair.

"Well, I wasn't alone. I was with Zayn but he left halfway through because something came up. God knows what it is." I struggled.

"Oh." One of my eyebrows shoot up.

"What you mean 'oh' "? Alex stared at me.

"I don't know. Just....oh." I titled my head sideways and gave him a death stare. 

"Okay, I saw Zayn and Sally like 20 minutes ago as I was heading here." I blinked a few times as what he said processed in my head. So that 'something pop up' is to meet Sally. I don't get it. Why can't he just said that to me? I was too zone out that took me a few minutes to realise that Alex was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Hey...You're okay?"

"Yeah..yeah I'm fine." I smiled at him as I sipped my drink.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"That depends."

"Well, it's about Zayn."

"Um.. Sure." I had a feeling where this is going.

"Do Zayn?" I froze for a while. It sounds weird hearing that question from someone else other than Jenny. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

"No, it' okay." I shook my head and put my cup down. "Yeah, I do. I like Zayn, more than a friend. But what can I do. He's with Sally."

"Oh." He paused for a while. "Ever thought of telling him?" I smirk.

"More than a millon times but the words never come out. But then, I don't think he likes me like that anyway. I'm just an average girl." He laughed out loud. I frowned. "What's so funny?"

"What you just said. Lucky, you are the most beautiful, most exciting girl I have ever met! I can't believe you just said that!" I blushed hearing his words, and look down. He tilt my chin upwards to face him. "Lucky, believe me. From the first day I've met you and we became friends, I found what an exciting and passionate girl you are. I've noticed every single beauty that you are blessed with. The way you smile, the way your eyes lights up when you burst out laughing, the sound of your voice, the way you hair flies when the wind blows. Lucky McGowan, you don't know how beautiful you are and I bet those guys out there who doesn't notice you, they are blind and are a waste of your time." As soon as he finishes his speech, let me tell you, my heart just burst into fireworks and melts like melted chocolate. We just stared at each other, none of us exchanging words. Just communicating with our eyes. Up close, I can see every detail on his face. The way his chocolate eyes sparkles like diamonds, they way his eyes wrinkles when he smile,his stubble spread on his chin and the way his lips tilted more on his right side as he smile.

"Thank you Alex." His smile deepens. Suddenly his phone beeps and we pulled apart. I rubbed both of my cheeks with the palms of my hands to ease my blushing. He look up after he's done checking his phone.

"Hey, ever see a band rehearse?"


Sorry for the loooong wait. I was too busy with school and I have my Eid celebration so I couldn't have any time to write. So thank you for sticking around :)

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