Chapter Twenty-Five

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Unedited Chapter

I threw a paper ball at Jenny, who is too busy been distracted by her phone. I was telling her a joke that Alex told me but I realised I was talking to myself for two minutes after noticing she wasn’t even listening to me. “Hey!” Jenny whined and glared at me while rubbing her forehead. I rolled my eyes, knowing that the paper ball won’t leave a bruise.

“Can you stop texting?” I instructed her. “You’ve been texting a lot these few days.” I said, accusingly. Jenny sent me a mischievous smile and carrying on texting. I huffed and scoot closer to her and tried to grab her phone but she quickly shoved it to her jean pockets. “Come on…” I whined. She shook her head. “We are best friends. No secrets between us, right?” Something flashed in her eyes for a second but I ignored it. She rolled her eyes and took out her phone.

“Fine.” She said and showed me her messages. Jack. It took me a few seconds to get it, because my brain is slow, but soon, a smile spread across my face. “Stop smiling.” I look up at her and I can already see her red in the face.

“Is my best friend having a crush on a certain someone with skunk hair?” I pointed out in a playful tone. I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed out loud.

“I don’t know. Jack’s funny. He always makes me laugh and I can be the ‘crazy me’ around him. He’s just as crazy as me for crying out loud!” I nodded in agreement. I look at my best friend, who has a goofy smile pasted on her face and is looking at her phone screen.  It’s been so long since she’s been in a relationship. The previous guy she was with was a dick and cheated on her behind her back. I went to her and gave her a hug.

“You should let yourself fall in love, Jenny.” I assured her. “Give yourself a chance.” I felt her shook her head.

“What if Jack turns out to be a jerk?” She asked.

“Well then I will kick his ass. Jenny, this type of thing happens. You have to fall, make mistakes and then, you will have the better things in life in the end. You fall in love in a few times until you find the right one.” Jenny was quiet as I talked to her. I pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes. “So what do you think?” She looked at her phone screen before looking at me in the eyes.

“Jack’s going to have a rollercoaster after this.” She said and let out a snickered. I laugh along with her and gave her a final hug. I’m so happy for her. It’s time for her to be happy with her life and have someone she can love and have someone loved her. I went back to my bed and jumped on it. She continued texting and suddenly ask, “What about you?”

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“When is it your turn?” I finally understood what she’s asking and let out a breath before saying, “I don’t know. I’m so confused right now.” I rubbed my face several times in frustration. I felt her sitting at the edge of my bed.

“I’m sure if one of them really likes you, he will show it soon.” She reassured me in a knowing tone. I squinted my eyes at her.

“What does that supposed to mean?” I asked. She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her phone. Her words stayed in my head. It feels like she knows something but she’s not telling me. I brushed it off. She will tell me sooner or later.


The café was deserted because it’s already eight at night. I was wiping the cashier counter with a rag when the door of the café rings, indicating a customer has entered. I look up and my lips instantly tilts upwards when I see Zayn standing in front of me, looking adorable in his black sweater and jeans with his hair covered with a beanie. “Hey.” He greeted. I smiled at him.

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