Chapter Fourteen

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“Stop it! It’s tickling me!” He pleaded. I giggled as I pressed my teddy bear at the crook of his neck. I had just found out that Alex is quite a ticklish guy and I’m using that as an advantage. For the last 5 minutes, I’ve been using my bear to tickle him. We just reached at my front yard but I still didn’t get off him. Alex couldn’t take anymore of me so he gently got down and lay down on the ground but careful not to squash me.

“Oof! Get off me, Alex! You’re heavy as fuck!” I screamed playfully while trying my best to shove him off. He laughed out loud.

“No! That will teach you to not tickle me!” He exclaimed. And with that, my hands wander to his sides and started tickling him. He screamed like a school girl and started fidgeting around to avoid my fingers. He turned around and grabs my wrists to stop me. My laughter died down as I lay there, looking at him. I noticed how close his face was as I can feel his warm breath on my face.

I stared into his eyes, captivated by the swirl of his chocolate brown eyes. My breath hitched as we got lost into each other’s eyes, like we are the only two people in the world. My heart starts to pick up when I saw his eyes flickered down my lips then back up to my eyes. I blinked rapidly when I saw his face leaning closely to me. Just as I about to close my eyes, readily for the kiss to come, I heard someone clearing their throat loudly.

“Ahem!” My eyes widen and push Alex off of me.

“Hey, Zayn… and Sally.” I greeted them, trying to come out as casually as possible. Zayn stood a few distances away from me, with his mouth gaped open and eyes wide the size of plates, while Sally stood next to him, giving me a thumbs-up.

Behind them, stood his parents looking oh-so uncomfortable. I gave them a sheepish grin before gathering myself up. I pulled out my hand to help Alex up. He was blushing deeply and look anywhere but the guests in front of us. I cleared my throat and try to find the right words to say to cut the awkwardness away.

“You guys arrived!” Saved by my lovely mom! I released a huge sigh of relief and turn to face her. “Come in, come in.” My mom led them inside, leaving Alex and I behind. He laughed nervously behind me. He kneels down and grabs my teddy bear that must have drop. He dusts of any dirt before handing it to me. I gave him a smile as I took it from him with my slightly shaky hand. My heart still thumps in a fast pace but I try to ignore it. My blush has reduced down, to my relief, so I took his hand and pulled him to my house.

“Lucky!” Before I could even open my front door, someone called out my name so I turned around to face the person. Jenny! I grinned widely and opened my arms wide for a hug and waited for her to return it. We hugged each other tightly and pulled back. “Hey Alex!” She greeted him. “I didn’t know you are going to be here also.”

“Yeah, Lucky’s mom invited me.” He told her. Jenny nodded and turned to me to say something but she was cut off by her parents.

“Hello Lucky.” Her mom greeted me and gave me a hug, which I happily returned. Her dad just gave me a salute that I also returned with a salute back.

“My mum is inside with the Malik’s, so you guys can just go ahead inside.” I informed them and they nodded before entering my house.

“Where were you guys from?” Jenny asked.

“We went bowling and Jenny, we made a bet and I won!” I exclaimed and even raised both of my fists up in the air. Jenny clapped her hands, excitedly.

“Yeah! Alright girl! What did you bet? It better be good to show Alex boy here, not to mess with my girl.” She said, smirking to Alex. I nodded vigorously.

“I bet him to piggyback me for a whole week in school. So anywhere I want to go in school, he would have to carry me.” I told her as I sent a playful wink to Alex, which makes him, chuckled. Jenny nodded, satisfied with my answer and links her arm with mine and step inside my house with Alex trailing us behind.

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