Chapter Twenty

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Unedited chapter

“So you’re ready?” Jenny asked. I nodded a little hesitantly. I must admit, I kind of regret with this decision but I can’t turn back now. I took a deep breath and nodded again, more determined this time. She smile and turn her chair that I’m sitting on around so that I can face her mirror.

The girl staring back at me looks so different. I lifted my hand to touch my hair and my reflection copies me. I touch the ends of my striking blue hair. The light reflecting from Jenny’s bathroom light shines on the blue colour. I brushed my hair to the front of my shoulders to get a clearer look.

I smiled and quickly grabbed Jenny into a bear hug. “Thank you.” I whispered and she just chuckled. I pull apart from her and check myself again the mirror. I didn’t know I could pull such a striking colour. The ends of my hair shined brightly due to the blue, overpowering my dull natural brown hair colour. I almost didn’t recognised myself but I love it.

“You look good.” Jenny spoke. She brushed off her blue fringe off of her eyes. Jenny loves to change the colour of her hair and it’s so frequent that I couldn’t keep up with her. This time her hair is the same colour as mine except she dyed it all over her hair while mine’s just the ends. I took out my phone and started taking photos of my silly faces. I also took a few pictures with Jenny. Girls…

“Ready to go?” She asked. I nodded and grabbed my belongings and my hat before heading out of her house with her trailing behind me.

We were on the way to the mall to get some new clothes for myself because I found out that I’m lacking of clothes to wear. Ironically, I have many clothes but it was never enough for me. We went inside Jenny’s car and she started up the engine as soon as she buckled herself up. Lady Gaga’s ‘Applause’ starts blasting from the radio and she turn up the volume, making us both started singing loudly. It’s going to be fun ride when Jenny started increasing the volume.


The sweet taste of Starbucks’ peppermint mocha immediately soothes my dry throat. I stretched out my aching and tired legs underneath the table. Jenny and I had spent 2 hours shopping our ass off. It’s a miracle our legs are still attached to our bodies with the amount of walking we did. Jenny was looking at the things she bought. I smiled, satisfied of the things that I bought. A few band t-shirts and merch, a couple of leather jacket, one combat boots, a few bracelets and rings. All the hardwork times I work at my café has finally paid off. My eyes scanned my surroundings, jumping from one shop to another until a particular shop catches my attention.

“Jenny, can we go to one more shop before we leave?” I asked. She glared at me and I quickly pulled out in what I hope a puppy dog look and even pouted my bottom lip. She rolled her eyes and just grunts, which I took that as a yes.

We started making our way to the shop after finishing our drinks. The smell of paint and paper fills my nose as soon as we enter the shop. I breathe in the beautiful scent and look around the shop. The art shop called ‘Art Craze’ has always been like a heaven on earth for me. Everything that an artist needs is right here. You can basically get anything and everything. Rows and rows of different types of paint with different columns of different coloured paper.  I look around and went straight to the paint section and started picking out the colours that I want. Soon my hands were full of paint and I quickly made my purchased and we exited the shop. My hands are already itching to start painting but that will have to wait until I reached home. We walked off to the parking lot and dump our shopping bags at the back of the car before settling in our seats.

After Jenny dropped me at my house, I was immediately hit by my mom’s cooking. “Hey mom!” I greeted her as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. Standing by the kitchen stove, there stood my mom with her apron on and a look of concentration on her face.

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