Chapter Seventeen

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Unedited Chapter

“Lucky!” Before I could open my mouth, I was already engulfed in a tight hug from my best friend, Jenny. “Are you okay?” She asked, not letting me go and cutting off my air supply. I pulled myself away from her grip and hold her shoulders.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I heard about what happened to you in school just now. Between you and Zayn.” She informed me. Flashes of our fight played in my mind, pulling my mood down.

“What do you think?” I sarcastically asked, before moving myself to sit on the living room couch.

Jack had taken me home after having our lunch. He stayed for a while with me because I didn’t exactly feel like I want to be alone and being alone means I have to entertain my thoughts which I’m in no mood for that. So I’ve invited him in to hang out with me. We watched “Home Alone”, his all-time favourite movie I’ve concluded, seeing as he mouthed every word of the dialogue. I’ve made popcorn and we shared it until it turned into a war of popcorn, resulting in us having to clean it up. He, soon, went off late in the afternoon. I only get to shower and change my clothes before having Jenny banging on my front door.

She flopped on the couch next to me and we just sat in silence. “What exactly happened?” She questioned, breaking the silence. I heavily let out huge sigh.

“Zayn’s just mad that I’m spending so much time with Alex.” I started my story. “He told me that I’m so close with Alex like I’m his personal shadow. I didn’t know wanting to walk home with him can start a riot! The reason I wanted to walk back home with Zayn is because we don’t do that anymore. That’s why I came up to him randomly to surprise him. I thought he would like it, but I was wrong. He’s like basically telling me that I’m treating him like some kind of toy. I would only play with him when I want to and when I don’t, I threw him away. Well, he’s wrong!” I took a huge gulp of air and clear my throat before continuing. “He is also busying kissing Sally to even acknowledge me. At least, I came up to him because I remember he was my best friend, unlike him!” I clenched my fists as I tried to control my anger that’s oozing out of me.

“Was?” Jenny silently asked.

“Yes, was.” My monotonous voice spoke. “He told me that that’s the problem. That I, his best friend for so long, am constantly up his ass. How can you say such things?!” At this point, tears are already leaving a trail on my cheeks and I didn’t even care to wipe it away. Jenny pulled me into a comforting hug and I pour out my sufferings to her. I was crying the ‘blubbering’ cry: The unattractive loud cry with snorts in addition to it. At the end of it, Jenny’s part of her top was drenched by my tears but she didn’t say anything. She continues to console me and try to calm me down by rubbing my back.

I finally calm down and pulled myself away from her to wipe off the teary trail on my cheek and my wet nose. I glanced at the wetness of her top and shot her an apologetic look. She just shook her head in understanding and gave me a look that shows she doesn’t mind.

“I’m just going to borrow a top. I’ll be back.” She told me and got up to my room. Since we are best friends, we share clothes so it’s easier for us each time we have a sleepover. I took a couple of breaths in to calm myself more. Honestly, I feel so much more better after telling Jenny. It is true having to tell someone your problems, you will feel a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders.

It took a couple of minutes for her to change as I heard the sound of her steps going down the stairs. I switched on the television but didn’t bother to change the channel as my mind is already drifted of somewhere. “Hey L, what’s this?” I looked up as Jenny called out. My eyes widened the size of plates as I saw Jenny holding a piece of yellow paper in her hands. A yellow paper which is Zayn’s unread letter. Jenny is already shooting me a ‘Spill it’ look at me and all I can think of is, ‘Oh Shit. I’m busted.’


I apologise for the long update and boring chapter. I'm so busy with school right now because I have so many projects I need to complete. But I will try my best to update fast and right now, I'm having a writer's block so anyone up to give me suggestions are free to leave me a message.

Side gif is how I imagine Lucky is when she tells the story to Jenny

But thank you for being patient. :)


Have a good day/night.


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