Chapter Twenty-Three

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Unedited chapter

"Say that again?" Jenny asked, her spoon stopped halfway to her mouth.

"Alex... Um... Alex kissed me." I repeated my words softly but loud enough for her to hear. Just as the words escaped, the heat rushed up to my face. I looked up to see Jenny just staring at me with her eyes wide. She was silent for a while making me a little worried that she's not breathing. I waved my hand around her but she didn't react. I snapped my fingers and only that did she blinked her eyes and shook her head.

I shifted my tote bag as I took a seat in front of her and lean my elbows on the kitchen island. My parents had already gone to work so Jenny is taking me to school today. She was very early for once so I let her in to give her some breakfast. Cereal is all I can make in less than ten seconds.

It's been two days since my kiss with Alex. I remembered clearly how I left his house at six in the morning because I need to get home before my parents woke up. I left him a note saying my thanks for letting me stay the night. I didn't mention the kiss. He didn't mention the kiss. I don't know how to feel towards that. I like the kiss that we shared but does that meant anything? I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Jenny sighed heavily. "You do know that this just creates everything complicated for you?" She pointed out. I breathe out and nodded. She copied my actions before saying, "Okay, we'll have to talk about this after school but now we have to go to that hell hole."

I was a mess on the way to school. My palms were covered with sweats and some even trailed down at the side of my forehead. I fidgeted a lot in my seat to a point that annoyed Jenny. My heart hammered in my chest and I can feel the taste of blood on my lips for biting it too hard. My nervousness spike up as my eyes felt upon the building of my school. Jenny finally parked her car and turn towards me after switching off the engine. "Lucky, relax! You look a mess!" I ignored her and just stared straight ahead. I felt a hand pulling my head and my eyes look into Jenny's. "Take a deep breaths and count to ten." I did as she said and slowly, I was a little calm. "Why are you so nervous by the way?" She asked.

"I'm just nervous to see Alex. Like will he act differently or act the same? Will he say something about the kiss or not?" I listed down my worries.

"Do you like him, Lucky?" She questioned. I was silent for a while. He does make my heart skip a beat and makes my blush. But so does Zayn and he was in the picture way earlier than Alex. But Alex did make a move first which I'm glad. I like his kiss but do I love it? "Okay, I can see confusion written all over you face so I suggested don't answer that now. I think time will show it to you soon."

"I guess." I said, unsurely. We ended our conversation as we got out of the car and start our boring day in school.


The sound of the bell ringing, indicating it's lunch time and we all started packing our things into our bags just as the teacher dismissed us. Just as I was heading my way to the cafeteria, I felt vibrations coming from my skirt pocket. I fished out my phone and unlocked it to get to the new message received.

Can Sally and I sit with you guys? - Zayn. A frown crawled up to my face as I read it. I wasn't in the mood to face the two livebirds but I can't say no without him asking questions. I text him back saying he can and put away my phone just as I enter the cafeteria. From far, I can see Jenny and Alex already sitting in our usual table and slowly walked towards them. I gulped down a lump in my throat as my eyes gazed over to Alex.

He was wearing a simple plain black shirt with army pants and combat boots. His hair messy as usual. His eyes were focused on his screen phone just like Jenny. I wiped the sweats from my palms on my skirt and played with the ends of my sweater. I stood in front of them, waiting for a few seconds until they both look up after noticing me. Jenny sent me a welcoming smile and Alex just look at me with no expression shown on his face. That just makes me more uneasy. I took a seat as Jenny got back to texting to whomever. I felt Alex shifting closer to me. "Hey. " I look up to him and felt a tug of smile as I saw him smiling.

"Hey. " I copied him. We didn't say anything as we stared at each other. We broke contact when we heard someone clearing this throat. Zayn and Sally stood before us, with Zayn already carrying a tray full of food. I sent them a small smile as they took a seat. Zayn and Alex are already haveing a staring competition, making me rolled my eyes, annoyed at their childish behaviour. I stood up suddenly, causing them to look at me. "I'm going to get some food. " Jenny nodded in front of me and stood up.

"Sit down Lucky. I'll get it for you. " Alex told me as he got up. Before I could stop him, he already grabved Jenny and pulled her away. I face palmed mentally and slowly sit back down.

"So what have you been up to, Lucky?" Sally asked as she chewed a French fry.

"Nothing much. " I shrugged my shoulders. "I hang out with mostly Jenny and Alex with his mates recently. They had band practice. " I saw something flickered in Zayn's eyes as I mentioned Alex's name but it was gone a second later and continued eating his lunch. Sally's eyes widened.

"Ales is in a band?" She asked as shock shone on her face. I forgot that they didn't know about Alex's band. I nodded eagerly.

"He's the lead singer and plays the guitar. His three other friends, Jack and Zack, are playing the guitar while Rian plays the drums. They are really awesome. They played covers and also some originals. "

"What are they called?" She asked.

"All Time Low. " I smiled as I said their name. It just rolls in my tongue easily.

"I heard All Time Low. " I looked up as Alex and Jenny came back.

"Lucky just told me about your band. I would love to hear you guys play. " Sally said.

"Yeah you can. We are having a gig coming. I let Lucky tell you about the details soon. " He looked at me and I nodded in agreement. Sally happily clapped. I smiled knowing how excited she was about this. Alex slides my lunch tray and I smiled thankfully at him as he took a seat next to me.

"Thanks Alex. You don't have to do this next time. " I told him.

"It's no big deal. " He replied back. I gave him a sincere smile and nodded.

"You know she has feet right?" Zayn cuts in, with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"What?" Alex asked, confusion on his face. I'm pretty sure I have the same expression too. "Sally has legs too but you don't see me complaining about you getting her lunch. " Alex continued with a hit of sass in his voice. My mouth dropped opened. I made eye contact with Sally's and she has an uneasy expression written on her face. Jenny is oblivious with the tension surrounding her as she was too zoned in texting. I should ask her who she's texting later.

"Well, she's my girlfriend. " Zayn pointed out with gritted teeth and even wrapped an arm around her just to prove his point. A frown came up to my face as my eyes fixated to his arm.

"Well, it's exactly the same situation as mine. " A smirk crawled up to Alex's face as he answered back. I raised my right eyebrow when I heard his words. What is he on about here?

"What does that supposed to mean?" Zayn angrily asked. His jaw stiff, clearly trying to control himself with his lips thinned and his face has a tint of red. Sally put her hand over his but he ignored it as his eyes froze on Alex's, turning it into a sinister glare. Alex didn't say anything back and just shrugged his shoulders innocently. He put his arm around my shoulders and stared at Zayn in a challenging way. He knows his action just increased Zayn's fury and he's really testing his patience. I look at Alex questionaly and he just gives me an innocent smile and eat his lunch. I turned to look at Zayn and he already has his eyes on me. I sent him an apologetic smile. His eyes clouded and it shown pained, hurt and... jealousy? But I blinked away, knowing that the last one is just my imagination. He couldn't be jealous. My eyes trailed on his arm which is still around Sally's shoulders. It couldn't be.

Jenny finally shoved her phone away and happily look around the table before asking, "So what's happening people?" I mentally face palmed.

Oh, Jenny...


Hello lovely and beautiful readers!I hope you like this chapter as much as I do. I got a little excited making Zayn jealous because who doesn't right? And who would have thought Alex has some sassiness in him??

Be a dear and press that vote button :) Alex will blow you a kiss....or maybe a middle finger

Have a good day/night!!



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