Chapter twelve

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‘Dear Lucky, I need to-’

“Lucky!” I cringed upon hearing my mom’s shout. I huffed before walking downstairs to meet my mom. My eyes landed on my mom, who was wearing a butterfly apron, standing near the stove with her back to me. I raised an eye brow and slowly walk towards her.

“Mom?” I walked cautiously and looked at her. She turned around and greeted me with a bright smile on her face.

“Good morning, dear!” She gave me a hug. “Guess what? I’m making my very famous blueberry pie!” She burst out; her voice was full of joy and excitement, making me suspicious. My mom rarely cooked on Sunday because it’s her only day to be lazy and relax all day long. We usually have takeout so she won’t have to cook. Seeing her cooking something on Sunday, I felt suspicious.

“What’s the occasion, mum?” I pulled out a chair from the dinner table and take a seat and took an apple.

“I decided to invite the Edwards and the Malik’s over our house. I haven’t seen them in a while and I want to get some catching up to do.” She clapped her hands happily like a little girl who just got a box of candies for free. I just stared at my mom as she continued checking her pie. I felt unsure on how to feel about them coming over. I’m ecstatic that Jenny is coming over but Zayn… oh boy… that will be a tough time to tackle.

After yesterday, I didn’t know how to act around him. It was going to be so awkward around him, I just know it. I let out a huge sigh, relaxing my shoulders. This day could not get any worse. I was deep in thought and didn’t notice my mom talking until I only catch her last word.

“What did you say, mom?” I rested my head on the table as I could feel the exhaustion from last night climbing up into my muscles.

“I said you can bring along your other friend. What’s his name again? Alex, is it?” At the mentioned of his name, I sat up straight. Alex and Zayn in the same room? Oh dear lord. It could cause World War three! I scratched my head, trying to find the right words to turn down her suggestion.

“I… I think Alex can’t come today.” I said slowly, unsure. My mom faced me and looked at my uncertainty and crossed her arms. She wasn’t buying my excuse.

“And how do you know that, if you haven’t asked him?” Her right eyebrow rose. My eyes darted everywhere but her, trying to find a believable excuse. Damn, why is it so hard to lie to your own mom? I fidgeted, uncomfortable under her stare. I guess I took too long to think of an excuse as she opened her mouth again. “Stop making excuses and invite him over.” I huffed and stood up to get to my room. I grabbed my phone on my night stand and stroll through my contacts until I found Alex’s name. I figured its easier calling him than sending him a message. After a few rings, he picked up.

“Hey.” He answered in a hoarse voice. Very sexy, the thought popped into my mind.

“Hey! Did I wake you up? I can call you back.” I responded. I would feel so guilty knowing if I disturbed his sleep. I would be mad if someone did that to me.

“Oh no, it’s alright. It’s about time for me to wake up anyway.” I heard some shuffling of sheets and the creaking sound of his bed. “So what’s up? Miss me too much that you have to call me on a Sunday morning?” The corners of my lips curved up as I relaxed myself on my bed. Bubbles of happiness filled inside of me as I take note on the silly flirts.

“Yeah right.” I scoffed. Very ladylike, Lucky. “In your dreams, Gaskarth. My mom invited you over to our house for a small get together. Are you up to it?”

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