Chapter one

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Raphs pov

Why? That's the question that's going through my head. I've been thinking it for days ever since the accident. Why wasn't I fast enough. Why did I have to suggest to go after shredder that night. Why is there an empty bedroom across the hall. I wish I had an answer but sadly I don't.

I rarely have came out of my room. I can't bare to walk around knowing that a piece is missing. Master splinter says it's not healthy to stay locked up. That life must go on. Well what if I don't want it to go on. Splinter seems fine but I knew he was breaking inside, heck we all are.

"Raphael dinner is ready." I hear splinter call from the kitchen. I slowly get up and walk to the door of my room. I open it and walk out into the hallway, where the four of us grew up. It was four of us for as long as I can remember. Four till death. Now it's three. Three has become my least favorite number. It's not right.

I walk down the hall and stop at the now vacant room. By vacant I mean no one lives in it anymore. We haven't cleaned it out and honestly probably never will.

As soon as my feet hit the stairs I smell food. It was the pizza April brought over yesterday. Casey and April have helped out a lot.

I walk and sit down in a chair. The others aren't here yet. "Raphael nice to see you." splinter says. "You to." I say. Then I see one of my brothers come over to join us. "Good morning." he says before taking a seat. "Good morning donnie." I say.

Donnie has mostly locked himself up in his lab. I don't know what he's trying to invent or fix. He can't fix this.

"I will be meditating enjoy the food." splinter says before stalking off.
Then I hear footsteps and instantly know they are my brothers. He walks in and takes a seat. Honestly he has taken it the hardest. I can still hear his screams from that night begging my brother to open his eyes. Pleading for it to be a dream. And I wish it was a dream to. But the truth is Leo is gone and he ain't coming back.

So how do you like it? Is it something I should keep writing or are you not interested in it? I write for you guys so tell me what you think. I was inspired to do another book by getting 5k and 4k and close to 1k on all my other books and I can't thank you enough for reading this so please like and comment:) Don't be shy tell me what you think.

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