Chapter Twenty Eight

910 36 5

Raphs Pov

     We continue making our way to the building.

      Soon we are on the rooftop.

  "This is it." Donnie says motioning to the building.

    "Yeah, we need to get inside and split up." I say.  It would take forever searching in one big group.

"Umm..... Dude there are three of us, I'm no math expert but I think that someone is going to be alone." Mikey says.

"Mikey...... Just focus." Donnie tells him.

"I know Mikey, so I will go alone." I say.

I'm not risking having Mikey or Donnie go alone.

"No way. I can go alone." Donnie says. He just doesn't want to be with Mikey.

"No, you're going with Mikey." I tell him.

"Wait, why don't we just stay together.... I mean, it would stop all arguing. It's not like I'm scared that Donnie can't protect me against a clown or anything..." Mikey says moving closer to me.

Face palm, face palm, face palm, face palm.

"Fine whatever, we will stay together. We just need to hurry and search." I say. I'm losing my patience.

Wonder if this is what Leo felt like when we would argue with him...

"That's fine with me." Donnie says.

"Me too." Mikey says.

Finally we can agree on something.

"Okay then... Let's go." I say.

I walk over to the fire escape. I kick open the boarded up door.

It's pitch black inside. I motion for the others to follow me and I head down the stairs.

Now we are about half way down.

I make sure to go slow incase something would be there.

"Guys, I can't see anything." Donnie whispers.

"Same here. We are almost down the stairs." I whisper back.

"I hope the clown is friendly." Mikey says loudly.

"Mikey, be quiet and whisper!" Donnie 'whisper yells' at him.

"Ohh ok." Mikey says whispering this time.

Finally we make it down the stairs. It's really quiet in the first room.

Then a box falls off the shelf.

"Ahhhhh the clown!" Mikey yells and jumps into donnies arms.

"It was just a rat." I say.

"And get off of me." Donnie says dropping Mikey, and making him land on the ground.

"Guys focus." I say.

"Ok let's check the other rooms." I say.

I start walking toward a room when I hear a scream. It sounded like it came from downstairs.

"Come on!" I yell and I start running.


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