Chapter four

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Raphs pov

We rush home. As soon as we enter the lair splinter is standing there waiting. "How did it go." he asks. "Horrible they got away." I exclaim.

"Sit and explain." Sensai says. "But we have to go after them!" I say. "Rapheal sit and explain." He says more strictly. I sigh I'm defeat and walk over to the couch and sit down.

Donnie and Mikey do the same. "The foot were robbing a power plant so we tried to stop them. During the fight another turtle showed up with a black mask and stopped me from shutting down a machine so the foot took the machine." I say.

Splinters face is in shock. "Another turtle?" He questions. "yes." I say. Donnie and mikey agree with me. "He looked like leo sensei." Mikey says.

"I see. You may not go out tonight." Splinter states. "What! We have to stop the foot." I yell. "I said no. You will stay here until we find out more about this turtle." Splinter says and walks into the dojo.

"What's wrong with him." Mikey asks. "He started acting weird as soon as we walked into the lair." Donnie says. "Exactly. Something's up." I say. "Let's turn on the news." Donnie says.

While donnie and mikey got the tv working I can't stop thinking about the turtle. He was so similar to Leo it hurt to look at him. His hight, eye color, skin tone, and weapon were the same as my brothers.

"Raph look at this." donnie says. I look at the tv and the news is showing a building with a Machine on top of it with foot surrounding it. "This is Carla parkins here and I am reporting live from...." The reporter starts but is stopped by the tv going static and then shutting off. Soon all the light dim an then shut off.

"It's a black out. They shut down all the power." Donnie says. "We have to go stop them." I say. "But sensei said not to." mikey says. "I'm not going to just set here while the foot are up to something. You can stay here if you want." I say grabbing my sais off the table. "No I'm going," donnie says. "Me to." mikey says. "Ok let's go then." I say.

We start walking to the door when I hear a noise. "Where do you think your going?" I hear splinters voice say. "To stop the foot." I say simply.

I keep walking to the door. "Raphael there's something I need to tell you." He says. "No time." I say and run into the sewers. I will be in so much trouble when I get home but I don't care. I turn and see mikey and donnie behind me.

"We are so grounded." mikey says. "Yeah I know." I say and take off running to the building.

Get ready for action in the next couple of chapters. So do you think leo is mind controlled or doing it on his own will? It could go either way but I have to warn you, if you don't like the idea of leo being bad don't continue. Thanks for reading! Like and comment

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