Chapter ten

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Erasmus pov

This splinter guy walks up to me. I just need a little longer and I will have these ropes off. Some ninja they are they left my weapons with me.

"My son." the rat says. Son? I stare confused at him. "Boys, this is your brother. This is leo." He says to the other guys.

"Who are you people exactly." I say. I'm beyond confused. They are the enemy of master shredder, they capture me, and then tell me I'm some Leo guy and am their brother.

"Look I don't know who Leo is, but I'm sure a heck not him." I say. "If it's him why doesn't he remember us?" The turtle in the red mask asks.

"Maybe he was brainwashed." The one in purple asks. I'm getting tired of this. I'm glad they keep talking though because I just was able to reach my knife.

"No listen if that's Leo, then we have to get his memory back." The red masked turtle says. "Listen Raph! It might not be reversible." The purple masked one yells back.

The whole time they are arguing, splinter is just standing off to the side. Some sansei he is. The rope is thin enough now that I can snap it if I pull it. I just have to wait for the right time.

"I told you Leo might not be able to be cured!" The purple masked one yells. "Ssh! You might scare mikey if he hears us down hear yelling." The red masked one says.

Raphael. I have no clue but that name just ran through my head. I shake it off. "We are far enough from the lair, he can't hear us." The purple masked one says.

I hear footsteps. "Mikey! What are you doing hear." The one in red asks. I turn and see the orange masked turtle walking in on crutches.

He finally makes it over to us. "It took forever but I made it. And to answer your question he's my brother to." The orange masked turtle says.

What point of 'I'm not your brother' Do they not get. I mean, sure I lost meme key but master shredder did not brainwash me.

In fact it was because of them that I can't remember anything.

Soon the three if them are having a yelling fight. I hear rumbling.

I look up and see that this place is shaking. It looks old. Abandoned, so it wouldn't be that hard to believe if it just crumbled. Their yelling is making it worse.

"Guys stop!" The one in the purple mask tells everyone. By now it's to late. The ceiling is already falling off. I snap the rope and jump up.

I take off running and the whole place is coming down. I start to get dizzy. Images of start to pop up in my head. They are of the turtles and someone who looks like my but has a blue mask on.

"Help!" I hear someone scream. I turn and see that everyone is already taken cover but the one in the orange mask. Another image comes up.

I feel numb but start moving toward mikey. I don't know how I even know his name. All the sounds of the room coming down are completely blocked out.

I spot mikey and see a piece if the ceiling falling above him. I lunge forward and everything goes black.

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