Chapter twelve

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Erasmus/Leo pov

I push the last cement slab off of me. It's so dark I can hardly see anything. I hear another rumble.

Anything left if this place is about to come down.

I turn and look at mikey. I have no clue why I felt like I needed to save him.

He hasn't moved so I check his pulse. He's alive, just unconscious.

I could just leave him here. I mean, he is the enemy. I stand up and start to walk off.

I spot an opening and start heading toward it. I stop half way.

I groan and turn around and pick up mikey. I can't leave him, even though I would love to.

I walk over to the wall and look up. The opening is big enough but it's going to be hard to get to it. Especially with this extra weight.

I start to climb. I have to be careful or else this whole place will come down. I get about held way up.

Mikey starts to move around. If he wakes up we might as well just say goodbye to chances of getting out if here.

"Raph." I hear a voice say. Great, he's awake.

"Wait! Let go of me!" Mikey starts screaming. "Stop screaming." I say trying not to lose my grub with him trying to get off of me.

"No!" He yells. That's all it takes for this place to start shaking.

Then he pushes off of me. Might reach down and grab his wrist and pull him back up.

We make it to a ledge and I sit him down.

He sits down and looks at me like he's shocked. "You are Leo, aren't you." He says.

"Like I said I'm not Leo but I am the person who just saved you, twice. Unless you want to fall, I would suggest being a little quieter." I say trying me best not to sound to mean about it.

"Ok it just a little ways up. Are you coming?" I ask him.

He nods and gets in my back. Finally I make it to the opening. I grab a ledge and swing into the opening.

Once I'm through I notice this part of the sewers. It's the part that mikey came through when I was tied up.

"Mikey!" I hear a people calling out down a different tunnel. I set mikey down. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Your brothers are coming, stay here and they'll find you." I tell him.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm going back to master shredders." I tell him. "Shredder isn't your master, even if your not Leo. He's just using you." Mikey says.

I don't say anything and take off. "Wait! Come back!" Mikey yells behind me. I run through the sewers trying to find my way out.

After awhile I make it back to shredders. "Good evening Erasmus. How was patrol." Tiger claw says when I get into the building.

"Where's master shredder." I say ignoring his question.

"Throne room. Why?" Fish face says. I don't say anything and walk to the throne room.

I open the door and see master shredder. I walk in. "What brings you here Erasmus." Shredder says.

I think about what the turtles said. It can't be true, can it? It would make sense with all the weird images and flashbacks, and my memory loss.

But if I was their brother, would shredder really trust me with being his second in command. Why wouldn't he have killed me by now?

"Erasmus. I asked what brings you here. " Shredders voice booms and echoes off the walls.

"I need answers. Now."

So what do you guys think. Please like&comment.

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