Chapter seventeen

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Erasmus(Leo) pov

Finally it's midnight. I stand on the building that I was told to be on.

I have my katanas put away, that way if this person is not an enemy they won't think I came here to fight.

I hear a noise. Soon I see someone walk out of the shadows.

"Of course it was you." I say taking out my katanas.

"We didn't come here to fight. Just hear us out." Raph says.

"Go ahead and speak but I'm keeping my katanas out." I say.

"Ok. Listen, you may not believe us but we are telling the truth. You are our brother Leo. You must have lost your memory during a fight that we thought you died in. " Donnie tells me.

I know that they are telling the truth. I don't know what to do, I can't just go home with them and pretend like I'm their brother. Or the old me I should say.

"I believe you." I say. They look shocked. "You do?" Raph asks. "Yea, shredder kind of already told me." I say.

"And you're still working for him!" Raph yells. "No, I quit." I say.

"Come with us then." Raph says. "Come back to the lair and talk to splinter. If you want you can leave after that." Donnie says.

"Fine." I say.

"Follow us." Raph says and they jump down into the ally. I follow them.

Soon we are making our way through the sewers.

They walk in front and I walk in the back. I could easily attack them with their backs turned toward me.

I hate that they trust me enough to have their backs to me. They must have trusted "Leo" a lot.

Soon we walk into a room. This must be their lair. "You found him!" I hear mikey say. I turn and see him sitting on the couch.

"This way Leo." Raph says walking into a room. He is already calling me Leo, already thinking that I'm going to be their brother again.

I walk in and see their Sansei. "Raphael you may go now." He says. Raph walks out.

"Come sit my son, we have a lot to discuss." Splinter tells me.

I walk over and sit on the mat. "Now let me start from the beginning." Splinter says.

Another short chapter but I wanted to get one done quickly for you guys. Thank you for reading. I'm keeping track of you my top readers, likers and commenters are. They will get a shout out at the end of the book. ~kaylee619

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