Chapter Twenty Five

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Raph's Pov

  "Raph!" I open my eyes and sit up in bed.  Where did the scream come from?

Maybe it was part of a dream. It sounded like Mikey.

   "Raph!" I hear it again and I run out of my room. I look down the hall and see that the living room light is on, so I run that way.

  I run into the living room and see Donnie and Mikey standing by the tv.

   "What's wrong?" I say walking over to them.

"You might want to see this dude." Mikey says pointing to the tv.

   I look at the tv and see that the news is on and some reporter is talking.
   Then the screen shows a building that is completely covered in flames. It also looks pretty much destroyed. Almost like an explosion.

    "What happened?" I ask Donnie.

He looks up at me and then back at the tv. "Honestly I don't know Raph. The news hasn't said anything else about it, but it might be better if the news doesn't look into it." he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.   Why doesn't Donnie want the news to look into it? Does he know something?  

       "Look closer at the building Raph." Donnie says. I can tell that he's slightly annoyed because of all the questions I'm asking him.

   I look at the tv and at the building.  When I look closer I feel stupid for not noticing the building that my brothers and I have had so many battles at.

    It's shredders lair.

  "Who would do that?" Mikey asks.
  "Maybe the foot, or the Kraang?" Donnie says as more of a question than an answer.

   Im trying to think about who would want to destroy shredders lair, especially after he's gone.
     Then it hits me.  "Guys I have an idea about who it could've been. I might be completely wrong but go get your gear on." I say.

    They both look like they are about to ask a thousand questions.

   "I'll answer questions on the way but hurry up and get ready." I say. They both quickly run off.
    I'm ready to see if I'm right about this, but if I'm right then it could mean that something bad is happening.

    "We're ready." Mikey says.   I turn around and they have all their stuff.  "Ok then let's go." I say.

    I start running out of the lair and they follow.

  Out of all the questions I could be asking myself, I can only think of two now.

What is Leo doing?  Am I going to have to fight my brother?

Ok guys! Another short chapter but I'm working on another one as soon as this one publishes!
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Until next time, bye guys!


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