Chapter Twenty Four

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Leo's Pov

       As soon as Raph turned his back I started running. Running away from my "family".

   Even if I would have went with them, I would have left eventually. Or they would have kicked me out once they realized that I'm not they guy they used to know.

  It sucks. I want to remember everything again, but that isn't going to happen.

Anyways... After I ran I somehow ended up here.

   One the roof of shredders lair.

  I walk over to a window and look inside. I see shredders throne room.  Of course it's empty, and it always will be because shredder isn't going to come back.

  I open the window and go inside. 

I have a new plan.


Raph's Pov

  Casey and April just left and the lair has already fallen back into silence.

  It's almost like he's gone again.

Donnie went straight to his lab and he's in there now, probably working on something.

  Splinter went to go meditate, and Mikey is sitting on the couch watching some television show.

   I walk over to the door of Donnie's lab.  I knock.

    "Come in Raph!" Donnie yells from inside. I open the door and walk in.

  "What do you want?" Donnie asks, not looking up from his work.

  "Nothing, I was just going to let you know that I'm going to my room." I say.

"And?" Donnie says.  I can tell that he's in a bad mood.

   "Well you need to go talk to Mikey, I would but I'm not good at that kind of stuff." I say.

"Fine." Donnie says. He gets up and walks past me into the front room.

  I go to my room and put my sais up.  I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Hey guys thanks for reading! Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get this one done for you guys. More updates coming this week. 
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Until next time,

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