Chapter Twenty Nine

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Leo's Pov

      "Ok now's time to get revenge for setting my home on fire." Shredder says.

    I can't move.  I look around, desperately trying to find my katanas.

     Then I see them.

     On the other side of the room. I probably dropped them when I came in through the window.

    Shredder then starts to laugh.

    "Why do you look so scared? Don't worry. Your end will be quick." He says laughing an evil laugh.

   Then he runs toward me.

   I have two options.... Sit here and die, or try to move and still probably die.

   Both of those don't sound too thrilling.

    I need to move though.  I need to at least try.

    Shredder is getting closer every second.

    Suddenly I get enough strength to move out of the way.

    As soon as I move shredder hits the place I was just at.

    My leg is giving off stabbing pains, but I force myself to stay standing.

    "Oh so you decided to move.... I can't say that was a smart choice." Shredder says.

   He runs at me again and I dodge. 

   "I must say though Erasmus, or Leo... Not sure which one you go by, but it's a shame that you won't be wearing your blue mask when I end you." Shredder says as he comes at me again.

    I need to try to get to my katanas.

  I try to dodge shredders attack. Sadly this time, I'm not so lucky. 

   My injured leg gives out as soon as I tried to dodge, making me lose balance.

   I feel the impact of shredders attack.

  I go flying backwards and I hit a wall.

   I fall to the floor. Maybe this is it.

    I can't run and I can't fight.

   Then I see something. My katanas. I landed right beside them. I reach for them but shredder has already started another attack.

   He stabs my arm.   Immense pain runs up my arm to my shoulder.

    I reach for my katanas with my left hand.

   I grab the handle of the katana just as he stabs my right arm again.

    "Enough games, it's time to end this." Shredder says as he positions his blade to stab me in the chest.

     I bring my katana forward, at the same time he's bringing his blade forward. 

   All of a sudden I hear a scream. I don't know who's it is...
     Heck it could be mine.  All I know is that everything goes black.

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I will give all shoutouts on the next chapter so stay tuned!

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