Chapter Thirty One

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Raph's Pov

      "Is he....?" Mikey starts off saying.  To be honest he looks dead. 

      Donnie bends down and checks his pulse.

    After what seems like hours.... Even though it was only a couple seconds, Donnie stands up.

    "He's alive, just unconscious." Donnie finally says.

    "What do we do with him?" I ask them.

    "What do you mean? We have to bring him back to the lair!" Mikey exclaims. 

   Of course I want to bring him back, and if it was the old Leo I would've already been carrying him home.

   But it's not the old Leo.  Sure he helped us take down shredder the first time, but who knows what this new Leo is up too.

   "I don't know.... What if he tries something?" I ask.

     "Are you crazy? He's our brother!" Mikey says.   I don't expect him to understand.

"Actually Raph, he already has been at the lair.... So I think he's trustworthy." Donnie says siding with Mikey.

"Ok, I guess we can bring him back." I say.

"Okay. Let's pick him up. I'll grab his arms, Raph you get his legs. Watch out for that wound he has on his right leg." Donnie says going into Doctor mode.

    Donnie grabs his arms and I grab his legs.  Mikey is standing off to the side watching us try to grab him and prevent any more injuries.

    I start slowly walking toward the door, being careful not to run into anything.

    "Ok guys we are almost to the stairs." I tell the others.

      "What are you guys doing here?" I hear a weak voice say.   I look down at Leo and see that his eyes are open.

     "You're awake!" Mikey exclaims and runs over to us.   He engulfs Leo in a hug therefore making me and Donnie drop him.

       Leo looks surprised. He obviously isn't used to Mikey so he just stands there with his arms at his sides.

     "Yeah I'm awake." He says finally. 

     "We were about to take you to the lair." I say.

     "Oh.... Well I'm fine, you can go now." He says.

      Ouch.  I know that he's not the old Leo but the fact that he doesn't want to be around us hurts.

     "Actually you could get an infection. I could clean it for you, but we need to go to my lab first." Donnie says pointing at his leg.

     "'re our brother, you have to come back with us! I don't care if you're not the same you're still our brother!" Mikey exclaims.

      "I'll come back and let you take a look at my leg.... But I can't promise that I'm going to stay." Leo says. 

      "Ok that'll work." I say and I start walking out. I don't know why but I'm so angry at Leo.

The truth is that I'm not so angry at this "new" Leo..... I'm angry at the old Leo for leaving us.

So? What do you guys think? Is Raph being unfair to Leo or does he have the right to be angry? Lol

Anyways thanks for reading!

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