Chapter Twenty Seven

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Leo's Pov

        "Wake up!" Someone yells.

  "Who are you?" I yell back.

   I have no clue where I am but it doesn't feel right.....   "Listen up, you need to wake up right now! You have brothers to protect."

   Who is this person? I can't see him but he sounds familiar.

      "Who are you? Answer me!" I yell.

    "I'm you, or the old you I guess." He says.  Ok this has to be some weird dream.

   "I'm serious, who are you?" I say.

    "For the last time I'm Leo. So I'm you basically Erasmus, and yes you are dreaming.... But you need to wake up right now and find my brothers, YOUR brothers."

     Ok now I'm officially going crazy. "Ok... Why do I need to find them, they're probably fine without me." I say.

    "No they aren't. They need you. You're their older brother now. I can't be there for them, so you have to. Make them forget about me so they can move on from the past." He says

   "Ok but why do I need to wake up and find them?" I say. I am beyond confused right now.

    "Wake up and find them because it's never safe.  Shredder is NEVER gone! Now wake up and stop messing around!" He yells.

     "I can't protect them!" I yell.  It's true.  I can't.

     "Wake up!"

I jolt up.  The room smells like smoke from the burning building down the street.

     That was the weirdest dream I have ever had.  Shredder is gone for good, he won't come back.

     I hope.

    I turn to move.  I feel a stabbing pain in my leg and fall back down into my sitting position.

    Setting off explosives is all fun and games until you get hurt.

    Honestly I should have saw the falling piece of the ceiling, so I can only blame myself.
    I start coughing.  

     I think about what "Leo" said in my dream.

    I can't protect them.  Raph seems to be doing just fine without me.  He can handle himself and the others.

   I need to find somewhere else to stay, soon the sun will be up and I can't stay here with all the cops and people working on shredders old building.

    I should be thinking of a plan, but I can't.

  I can't do anything.

   "Well you've really messed up this time." I say out loud  to myself.

   "Yes, yes you have." I hear someone say.

    I freeze as soon as I hear his voice.  I'm completely defenseless.

    "I thought you were dead." I manage to say.

    I can't show that I'm scared.

    "Well you thought wrong Erasmus." Shredder says as he starts walking toward me.

   I really hope that I'm hallucinating.

   "Okay, now turtle.... It's time to get revenge for setting my home on fire."

   Thanks for reading! I will be updating again either today or tomorrow!

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Also I will be going through all comments and whoever I feel comments and likes the most frequently will get a shoutout.

Thanks again!


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