Chapter Thirty

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Raphs Pov

I keep running in the direction the scream came from.

Soon I run into a room. The others run and stand beside me, waiting for me to give the orders.

   "Look!" Donnie exclaims pointing to an area in the room.

    I look at where he is pointing and see a figure laying down.

    I grip my sais and start walking toward it.  I motion for the others to stay where they are.

   As soon as I get close enough to see better I instantly notice the armor..... it's shredder.

     Why would he be here? Leo killed him.

     So many thoughts are going through my head.  Then something catches my eye. 

      A blade sticking out of the armor.

    A katana blade.

    "Guys! Come here!" I yell.  They run over to where I am. 
     I grab shredder and Donnie helps me lift him up some and push him to the side.

     As I am moving him I see blood on his blade.   I hope I'm wrong but I think I know who's blood that is.

    Looking at shredder I instantly see that there is no way he could live through a wound like this.

   He's gone for good this time.

    As soon as he's moved out of the way I see exactly what I feared I would see.

     My brother.

   Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I have a big assignment due and I have to work on it tonight!
New chapters will be posted tomorrow or later on tonight, thanks for reading!

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