Chapter Eight

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Raphs pov

We have a plan figured out. We are going to catch eras....Leo, alone and get answers.

"Are you sure he is even going to show up?" Mikey asks. I nod my head. "I know he is, he has to." I say hopeful.

Donnie suddenly takes out his bow staff. I turn and look at him. He doesn't say anything and points down to a building. I look and I see him.

There Erasmus is. I don't want to call him Leo yet until I find out if it is really him. "Let's go." I say quietly.

We move around and jump down to the shadows of the building that Erasmus is on. We stay hidden.

He walks around with his swords in their sheath. I wait until he comes close and jump out. The others follow me and we surround him.

Without a word he takes out his katana. "Who are you exactly." I ask. "I'm Erasmus as you already know." he growls out. This guy even scared me a bit. He just as this feeling to him, like an evil edge.

"We know you're Leo, why would you do this. Work for the enemy." mikey shouts. Erasmus has a confused look on his face for a second and then goes back to his defense mode. "I don't know who this Leo is, but as far as I'm concerned your the only enemy." He says and lunges at me.

I block his attack and throw a punch. Surprisingly it lands on his stomach. I am amazed because he could have easily dodged it. Then he smirks an grabs my fist.

I try to break free but it's useless. He brings his leg up and kicks me in the stomach and tosses me into mikey.

"Mikey, Raph!" I hear Donnie scream. I get and and help mikey stand up. I pull him up and he screams and dallas back down. I look down and see that he is holding his foot.

I turn my attention to Erasmus and run and tackle him. I pin him down. "Where.Is. My. Brother." I say through clenched teeth.

Erasmus tries to get out from under my grip. "Donnie now!" I yell.

Donnie rushes over and takes out a syringe. He gives Erasmus the shot in the arm.

It takes awhile but soon Erasmus is knocked out.

"Don you help mikey. I got him." I say motioning to the unconscious turtle. I tie his hands and then I start moving him.

Donnie comes, with mikey on his back. "His ankle is sprained. " he says. We make the way back to the sewers.

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