Chapter seven

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Ralph's pov

I sit there frozen. It can't be true I watched him die. Shredder killed him. But yet again we never found a body. I just thought it was lost in the explosion. "H-how." I manage to say. "I don't know." Sensai says. I look at Donnie who looks shocked but I can tell he is thinking. I look over to the other side if me and see mikey who looks the same as donnie. "wait Leo's alive why are we sitting here let's go find him! " Mikey exclaims.

"We don't even know where he is or if he is really alive, it could be a trap shredder set up." I say.

"It doesn't matter. If there is a chance Leo's alive we have to go make sure." mikey says with determination in his voice. I look at my little brother before nodding slowly. Mikey is growing up.

"I'm in what about you don." I ask after a minute. "I'm In to, but I think I have an idea where Leo is." Donnie says. "Where." I ask.

"It all leads to one thing. Think about it Raph. Leo dies and all if a sudden a new turtle comes up on shredders team." Donnie says.
My eyes widen and I feel dumb for not figuring this out. "But Leo wouldn't ever hurt us, he would never work for shredder." Mikey says. "Think mikey. It's the only possible explanation. " Donnie says.

"No your wrong. Leo wouldn't betray us. Not if he was tortured, or bribed. The Leo I know would rather die than betray his family. That's how he died in the first place. " Mikey yells at donnie. "Guys calm down." I say to both of them. I turn to splinter, who is just sitting there. "You may go but be carful." Splinter says already knowing what I was going to ask.

"Let's go guys." I say and head out with the others following me. If Erasmus is Leo then we have to approach him when he is alone.

We head out of the sewers and start looking for him. It will be daylight soon so we don't have forever to search. "Guys I see something." I hear Donnie say. I stop and see what he is talking about.

It's a foot soldier. He's alone probably out for a break or something. I motion for the others to be quiet and we go over to the ally that he is in.

We hide in the shadows until the foot get farther in the ally. Then we emerge. I take out my sais and we approach the foot. "T-turtles. Stay back." He says but his voice is shaking. It'll be easy to get him to talk.

"We want answers." I say when he have him cornered. "Is my brother alive." I say. "I-I'm not gonna tell you anything." he says. I sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Tell us and we will let you go." I say. "No! You don't get it even if you let me go shredder won't be so kind. " the foot soldier yells.

"Just tell us if he is alive and where he is." I say getting impatient. "I said I ain't talking." The foot says. "Tell us or shredder won't be the only one to worry about." I say practically growling. I take out my sais and move closer.

"Fine. Just don't hurt me. Y-yes he is a-alive. S-shredder has him. B-but he isn't the same anymore. H-he goes by E-Erasmus now." the foot say shaking in fear. My heart sinks when he says that it's Erasmus. There has to be an explanation for this.
"Oh Gosh now I'm gonna be killed. if not by shredder by Erasmus." the foot says running past my and away. I let him go. "Why. Why would Leo work for shredder." mikey says. "Don't jump to conclusions. Lets go find our brother." I say.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter . I had to rewrite and change it around so many times before it sounded right. I am going to be going back through this whole book and editing today but I might make another chapter first. Thanks again!

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