Chapter eighteen

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Raphs pov.

I go stand with Donnie and mikey in the living room. "I can't believe you found him. How did you get him to come?" Mikey says.

"Apparently shredder already told him the truth, so he kinda just came." I say. I'm glad that he did come.

I hope that splinter can find a way to get his memory back. Even if he can't I hope that he can convince him to stay with us.

"Do you think that he will stay?" Donnie asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know." I say.

I sit down in a chair. I hope that splinter can get through to him.

I look down at my t-phone. I have six missed calls from casey. I feel bad for ignoring him. But my family come first.

April hasn't even been trying to contact us. Donnie has tried to call her but she doesn't answer.

I turn on the tv and watch a random show. I grab my sais when I hear footsteps running from the sewers.

"Guys. What is that." Donnie says. "I don't know." I say. I look at the entrance to the lair and see April run into the lair.

"April!" Donnie exclaims and run over to her. "Guys." she says out of breath. "April what's wrong." I ask.

"Shredder and the foot, they attacked my house. I got out through the fire escape...they left this." She says handing a piece of paper to me.

I unfold it. "It says, Dear turtles Meet me at the top of boulevard building in an hour to settle the score." I read the note out loud.

"An hour! That doesn't even give us time to get a strategy." Donnie exclaims.

"And we wouldn't win with just us. Plus Mikey's hurt so he can't fight." I say.

I feel the panic start to set in. "No way am I just going to set here." Mikey says. "Yes you are. You can't fight. " Donnie says.

"I can help and I'm sure Casey will to. He's on his way." April says. Next thing I know Casey comes running into the lair.

"I'm here. April already filled me in." He says running over to us.

"I can't think of a strategy in an hour. Especially to go up against shredder." I exclaim.

"If only Leo was here." April says sadly. Mikey gasps. I look up .

Leo is with us. He may not be the same but he's still leo.

April and Casey don't know anything about it. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. " April says.

"No. It's fine april. " Donnie says. "Let's get started." I say. "But, I thought you said that you couldn't do it. " Casey says.

"April go get paper, Donnie go get weapons, Casey drag a table in here so mikey can be apart of it." I order everyone.

"What about you?" April says. "I'm going to go get someone." I say.

So what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments. Thank you !

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