Chapter Twenty Six

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Raph's Pov

Soon I see the building. It's engulfed in flames.

I can hardly hear anything over the sound of the sirens. It's still dark outside, but I bet smoke is covering the sky right now.

"Where is he?" Donnie asks referring to Leo.

"Dudes.... Are we even sure it's him? I mean, what if someone accidentally started it?" Mikey asks.

Donnie and I look at him.

"Mikey, who would accidentally start a fire at shredders old lair?" I ask him, trying to stay calm. Sometimes Mikey can irritate me.

"I don't know? Maybe a clown was juggling and he hit a fireplace and it started a fire?" Mikey says crossing his arms.

I literally face palm.

"Why do we bother asking you things?" Donnie says.

   "I dunno!" Mikey exclaims.

  "Well, come on.  We need to look for Leo." I say.

    We shouldn't be wasting time, we need to look.  I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"Should we call April? We could have her go look down there." Donnie says motioning to the fire trucks.

    "Yeah call her and Casey and tell them to go ask down there about the fire." I say.

"Okay! I'll call April!" Donnie says.

  "And Casey." I say. 

   Donnie would probably like it better if Casey doesn't show up, but we could use an extra person.

  "Fine..... I'll call April and Casey." He says disappointingly.

    I walk around while he makes the phone calls.

    I look down at the fire and at the surrounding buildings.

   Suddenly I see something.  It could be nothing but I think I saw something move in an old warehouse about a block away.

"Okay April and Casey are on their way. They said that they will investigate down there by asking some firefighters." Donnie says walking over to me.

"Guys I think I just saw something." I tell them.

  "Was it Leo?" Donnie asks.

   "Was it the clown?!" Mikey screams.

  "No Mikey, it wasn't the clown....... And I don't know Donnie I couldn't tell it was in that building." I say pointing to the warehouse.

   "That place has been abandoned for years, who knows what could be there." Donnie says.

  "Ok, let's go check it out." I say and grab my sais.

     "Ready?" I ask Donnie and Mikey.

   "Yep" they both say.

   "Ok then let's go." I say and we start heading to the building.

   "Raph?" Mikey asks.
    "Yeah? What is it?" I say.  I hope he isn't scared or anything.
"If you couldn't see who it was.... How do you know it wasn't the clown?!"
Sometimes it takes all I have to stay calm....

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Thanks again!

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