Chapter fourteen

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Erasmus(Leo) pov

"What." shredder asks. "I said I need answers." I say louder.

Shredder seems to freeze for a second. "What do you mean." He asks.

"You know what I mean. Who am I exactly! I used to believe you now I'm not so sure!" I yell. I should be scared. I am yelling at shredder, this could mean life or death.

"The turtles got to you didn't they! They ruin everything. I should have known this wouldn't work. It would have been better for me to kill you when the explosion happened. " Shredder yells in a rampage.

That's all I need to hear. They were telling the truth.

I am their brother. This Leo guy is me, or was me.

Shredder stands up. "Now that you know this, I can't let you live." He says walking toward me.

I take me katanas out. "Are you scared. You should be." Shredder says.

"I'm not scared." I say and lunge at him. He dodges and kicks me and I go flying into the wall.

"Pathetic you couldn't even land a punch." Shredder says. "That's not what I was planning on doing. " I say.

3,2,1 I count down in my head. I start hearing little explosions. I hear shredder through them. "I will end you." He screams.

I make it out if the building. My diversion worked. I was able to grab some small explosives before I went to see shredder.

I knew that it wouldn't kill him but it would distract him.

I get as far away from shredders lair as I can and I finally stop.

I walk around pacing trying to figure out what to do. I look up and see that clouds are rolling in.

Covering up the moon so it gets extremely dark. Then to add to the bad night that I'm already having it starts raining.

Suddenly I hear a scream. I rush over to where it came from. A purple dragon has a woman cornered.

Normally I would ignore it. It's just another crime and if it was yesterday I would actually go Steal it from the purple dragon after he stole it from the girl.

I feel different today. I know the truth today. I jump down into the ally.

"Who's there." The purple dragon asks. I step out. "E-Erasmus. This isn't shredders territory back off." He says.

I walk over to him. "Let her go." I say. "No way, then you'll just take her money." He says.

"Wrong answer." I say and punish him. He falls unconscious and I jump back up to the roof.

The woman runs out of the ally.

I start looking for a place to stay. Soon I find an abandoned warehouse.

I find a place to sleep and lay down. I lay in silence until I hear something. I look up and see a rat run across the floor.

I sigh and lay back down. This night couldn't get any worse.

Like&comment? So the next chapter will be slowly building to a big battle. ;)

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