Chapter twenty

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Raphs pov

The look on Casey's face is priceless. Aprils is almost just as good. Casey scrambles backwards, removing his feet from the chair.

He goes back so fast that his chair falls backwards. He jumps up and just stands there.

"H-how." April says. "Who is this." She asks donnie.

I walk over to the table. "Guys this is Leo. Leo this is April and Casey." I introduce them.

"Ok let's get started." I say. "No, no, no, no. You explain this first. Leo died you said. Explain now." Casey demands.

"Ok, well long story short...."I say and tell them the story in about two minutes because we are running out if time.

"Ok guys let's get started." Donnie says after I finished. We all sit down.

Casey and April are watching Leo unsure if they can trust him because he was working for shredder. Leo sits down and Casey flinches.

"So. Leo is going to make a strategy." Mikey says. We wait while Leo starts thinking and drawling in paper.

A flat five minutes later he is done. "Master strategist in the house." Mikey says.

I go over the plan to everyone. April and Donnie will go from behind and plant these explosive things that Donnie built.

Meanwhile Leo, Casey, and I will start fighting. I don't think it was a good idea to let Casey come but it should be fine.

"What will I do. I can't just sit here." Mikey says. "You aren't going to just sit here. You will be in the shell raiser a safe distance away from the battle and we will go there afterwords for the get away." Donnie explains.

"Ok I guess that'll work." mikey mumbles.

"So how much time to we have left." I say. April looks down at her phone.

"Ten minutes." She says.

"So we ready?" I ask. Everyone nods their heads. "Ok let's go." I say and we head out of the lair.

I walk towards the back. I am nervous. I hope that nothing goes wrong.

Leo slows his pace to match mine.
"We have a chance. " He says. "I know I just...I don't know I guess I'm just nervous that someone will get hurt." I say.

If only he new the real reason. The old Leo would have known, he would have known that I was afraid before I even did.

"The only one that's going to get hurt is shredder. And maybe Casey, but mostly shredder." He says. I look to see if he was serious about the Casey part. The grin on his face shows that he wasn't.

"He takes some getting used to." I say. "What are you saying about me!" Mikey yells. "Nothing." I say.

It would be nice if we weren't heading to a battle. We are all getting along and I am actually getting to know my brother again.

We come to the sewer opening. Donnie and April go with mikey to get the shell raiser. The rest if us climb up out of the sewers.

"Let's go." I say.

The next chapters are going to have a lot in them so stay tuned. Like always thank you and like&comment if you want and give me feedback. I'm glad when people do because it gives me motivation to write more;)

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