Chapter Thirty Two (Final Chapter)

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--------------------Two Months Later--------------

Raphs Pov

      "Mikey, get up it's training time!" I yell. I walk down the hallway and into the living room where Donnie is waiting.

"He is coming or not? April is supposed to be over any minute now!" Donnie exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air.

    "I'm coming. Calm down dude." Mikey says stumbling down the stairs. 

     Donnie ignores Mikey because April is walking into the lair.

     "Hey guys! Ready to train?" She says excitingly. "Well some of us are, others...not so much." Donnie says, motioning to Mikey.

     "Guys let's try not to argue. Master Splinter is waiting on us." I say. The last thing I want to happen is another fight. Donnie and Mikey have their differences, and it has caused arguments every morning for the past four days.

     I'm just glad that I didn't have to break it up yesterday. 

      I follow the others into the dojo where master splinter is waiting. He is standing up in the room waiting for us.  I look around and see my brother already sitting on the floor. He always was a teachers pet.

      April sits down first, then Donnie. I take a seat in between Donnie and Leo. Mikey sits on the other side of Leo.

     It's strange to think about how much has changed. After we brought Leo home and fixed his leg he ultimately decided to stay.

      We were all happy. Since then he has been working his shell off to regain some memory. Splinter meditates with him almost everyday. Leo even traded in the black mask for his old blue one.

   And even though he can remember some things, he will probably never get all of his memory back. It doesn't matter though. He's still our brother.

    "Okay, let's start training." Splinter says.

     After two long hours of training we all walk into the living room.

     "I'm so sore, splinter tried to kill me with those exercises!" Mikey says over dramatically as he flops down on the couch.

     "It want that bad." Leo says laughing at Mikey.

     "Guys! We got trouble down town!" Casey yells running into the lair.  All of us grab our weapons and run out.

      Soon we find ourselves standing on a rooftop watching the foot try to rob a bank.

    "Can we go stop them now." Casey says impatiently.  "Yeah I'm with shell for brains on this one." Donnie adds in, that remark earns him a hit from Casey's hockey stick.

    Leo looks at the foot clan members before turning to us. "We can go now, but go..." "BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey cuts Leo off and jumps off the building. Casey and Donnie run off with him, and April chases after them.

    "Quietly." Leo finishes his sentence as he face palms. I laugh and take out my sias.

      Leo takes out his katanas. "Ready bro?" I ask him, looking down at the chaos our team is causing. 

      "Let's go." Leo says as he jumps down and takes out one of the foot before they get Mikey.

Leo's Pov

       After the mission everyone went home. Right now I'm sitting in my room.  It's still frustrating when I can't remember small things, but hopefully I will eventually.

     I'm glad that my brothers want me to stay. I just wish that I could be the brother they remember. I'm working on that though.

     I check the clock and see that's it's 1:00 a.m.

    I should probably get some sleep. I have a lot of training to do tomorrow.

    I sit down on my bed and hear a knock on my door.

     "Come in." I say. I watch as the door opens and Mikey walks in.

     "I just remembered something. I can't believe the others forgot, but it has been a little crazy lately.....anyway, here you go. They might help." He says as he hands me a box.

     It's not heavy but it's definitely not light.

    "What is it?" I ask. "You'll see, goodnight bro." Mikey says, walking out.

    "Goodnight." I sigh and shake my head. He could have just told me what it was.

    I sit on my bed and open the box. It contains a lot of DVDs.

     Why would Mikey give me DVDs?

     I take one out and look at the case. Space Heroes.

Then I remember. I used to watch these. I loved this show. Raph hated it.

I sit the box down so that I can watch them tomorrow.

Erasmus is just a memory now. He's gone. Shredder created him. Now I know that I was never really "Erasmus". I was always "Leo". I always will be Leo.

This is it the FINAL CHAPTER! Thank you guys so much for reading! I've had my ups and downs writing this but I knew that I had to finish for you guys! I will go through and edit all the chapters later, but for right now I'm content with them.

Please comment and tell me your opinions! I love hearing from you guys! I read every comment.

Thanks again for the support!

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