Chapter three

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Raphs pov

We all gear up for patrol. "Raphael keep your brothers safe." Splinter says before retiring back to the dojo where he has been for the last couple of days. "I'll try." I say. The truth I that if Is that If I couldn't save one brother what makes him think I'm going to be able to protect the other two.

"Ready raph?" Donnie calls. "Let's go." I say as we head out of the lair. "So what's the plan." Donnie says. "Well let's just do our normal patrol. We will stop crime if we see any." I tell don and mikey.

"So it'll be exactly the same as it always was." Donnie states. I realized his mistake as soon as he said it. He did to because of the look on his face. It won't be like it used to be. There's three of us now.

"I'm sorry guys I didn't mean it like that." Donnie says. "It's fine." I say and climb up the ladder to the outside world. "Whoa." I hear mikey say behind me. The city was a mess. Windows on shops were shattered and doors kicked in.

We wasted no time on getting up on the rooftops. "Okay let's get started." I say simply. 'What would leo say, what would leo do' I keep asking myself.

The city was less deserted in the center where most of the stores are. We decided to patrol around there. It has been at least two hours and it is really quiet. No action whatsoever. Almost as if the shredder knew we were going to be patrolling tonight. I shake that thought off.

"Guys what's that." mikey says pointing to a building in the distance. I look and even from the distance we are from the building my eyes catch the last foot soldier enter a window. "It's a power plant building, why would they want to rob that? " Donnie asks us cluelessly.

"I don't know but let's go check it out." I say. "Are we going to fight?" Mikey asks unsure. "It will probably come down to that." I say. "Ok." He says. I feel sorry for him. Mikey is the youngest so Leo's death has effected him a lot. "Don't worry I won't let anything happen. Trust me." I assure him even though I'm not to sure myself.

We make it to the building in record time. "Ready." I ask the others. They shake their heads as a yes. I open the window and we climb in. The inside is dark except for the light on the bottom story. The window that we crawled in is on the second story that goes all around and has a railing so that you don't fall off to the floor on the bottom.

There are foot everywhere below us. They seem like there searching for something. Donnie is to my left and mikey to my right. Mikey is shaking a little. I touch his arm slightly and he seems to relax.

"Follow my lead." I say and stand up. I get my sias out and grip them tightly the others do the same with there weapons. I take a breath and jump down. Then I automatically grab the nearest foot and take it down.

The other foot are aware now and mikey and donnie are joining the fight. The foot haven't been a problem before but every time one goes down it seems like another takes it's place.

During the fight I keep feeling like someone's watching that isn't fighting. I am probably just being paranoid.

We fight our way through to a machine the foot seemed interested in. I turn to see mikey take out the last ninja. I jog over to the machine. "What is it? " I ask donnie. "It's a huge energy source, with this they could easily take out all of New York City's power or cause a huge explosion." Donnie explains. I breath out a breath I had been holding. "Ok well let's take it out." I say. Donnie nods and goes to typing away.

Then a bang echoes out all over the room. I look up just in time to see at least eighty foot jump down. Soon we are fighting again. Donnie an mikey are fighting on the other side of the room. I look over and see foot messing with the machine.

I run and take them out with ease. "Raph! Take out the power source! " Donnie yells from across the room.

I search for it and find it. I bring my sai back to hit the source but feel something knock it out of my hand. I turn around and kick at whoever this is.

When I turn around my heart almost stops. It's a turtle. Like us. That looks exactly like leo with a black mask and different gear. The turtle holds two katanas with black and red wrapping. I don't have time to process anymore ba cause he starts fighting. He slashes his katanas and I barley dodge. I run to my sai on the floor and pick it up. I turn just in time to block a blade from stabbing me.

I swing my sai and almost hit him, but he dodges. "Who are you." I say as I dodge a blade again. Then I start to see the foot retreat. Then whoever this new guy is jumps up to the balcony. I turn and see the machine gone. Mikey and donnie run over to me panting. I look up to the balcony where the foot are leaving. I see the turtle and for a split second we make eye contact. My green eyes stare into his blue ones and I feel like I know this guy. Then he leaves out the window with the rest of the foot leaving us standing there in defeat.

Long chapter I know but hopefully you guys like it. I might update again today but I don't know for sure.
Please tell me what you think! Thanks you guys!! Also does anyone have any songs I could add as a playlist to this book. If so pm me or comment.

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