Innocent till proven guilty

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So we finally attached the video camera to the big screen and fast forward to this week. Trust me it took forever. We have years on this thingy.

Well anyway it took about 2 hours until we finally came to August 4 which was Monday.

Then we watch it.

First you see Lloyd walk in and walk out. Then you see me enter the bathroom and then exit. And then you see Lloyd, Cole, Kai, me, Kai, Lloyd and then Cole enter and exit, and so on. I would like to say that it wasn't me who went to the washroom the most, it was Lloyd.


That bathroom hogger!

Finally, after much begging from Kai, Cole agreed and went and got popcorn for us to eat while we watch. And it was almost supper time! We are so bad!

Heh heh.

I should ask Lloyd what Zanes making for supper... Wait! It is Nya's turn to make supper not Zanes! A light bulb lit up in my brain.

"Guys it is Nya's turn!" I said suddenly.

They gave me odd glares.

"What?" I told them, "It is Nya's turn to make supper!"

"Soooo?" Kai said confusingly. Still staring at the screen. Wow he really wanted to find out who emptied his hair gel.

"Lloyd said that he would go and see what Zane was making for supper!" I said excitedly, "He ran away once I grabbed the video camera!" I couldn't talk fast enough. Pieces of the puzzle were coming together and I didn't want to lose them.

Cole nodded thoughtfully "That's right my hothead bro. Motormouth here," he gestures to me, "is right!"

Kai thought for a minute, then he stood up and walk toward the cream colored kitchen.

Few-uff! I sighed. Hopefully Lloyd gets in to trouble now! I glad it isn't me anymore.

"LLOYD!" Kai screams as he enters the kitchen. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

Me and Cole silently follow Kai. I mean who doesn't want to see Lloyd get busted.

"LLOYD!?" Kai yells once more.

"I bet he is hiding his little butt!" I said laughing.

Kai gave me a glare.

Heh heh heh. Sorry....


Cole giggled under his breath.

Ha! I heard that.

Soon I was giggling and Cole was laughing out loud. We couldn't help it. Lloyd pulled a good prank. And it was funny watching Kai howel like a coyote.

"You'll never find him!" Cole said between laughs to Kai, "he hides really well!"

"Yea!" I agreed, but not too fast I didn't want to be blamed again.

Kai continued to yell on the top of his lungs.

Man he is determined to find Lloydkins!

"He won't ever be able to find him because" I nudge Cole and wink, he is 'the best'!

He looked at me weirdly and shrugged it off like it was just was a bad dream.

We kept on following Kai around like a puppy dog.

I smirked. But we're not puppy dogs! We're ninja! And ninja's never quit! Like how Kai is looking for Lloyd right now....

Oh-boy, Lloyd are you gonna get it!

Okay, you can't see it right now, but Kai is crawling on the floor looking for Lloyd.
Why would Lloyd be on the floor??
Wouldn't he be in a empty cupboards?

Cole and I shrugged, and just stood there watching Kai crawl around like a ant.

"Well...? Are you gonna help me? Or are you just gonna stand around like a statue?" He asks as he glared at me and Cole.

I looked at Cole.

Cole looked at me.

Then we both looked at 'ant' Kai.

And then back at each other.

We burst out laughing.

"What so funny?" Hothead inquired.

"Lloyd is not gonna be on the ground, Kai!" Cole chuckles.

I scanned the room. "Nope, no Lloydykins the ground." I said truthfully.

All of a sudden I saw a green blob dart out of the room. I spun around it was gone!

"Did you guys see that?" I asked as I turned back to the laughing Cole and the confused Kai.

"Er. See what? Motormouth." Kai wondered.

Cole stopped laughing and went to the fridge to get some chocolate cake.

"The green blob," I told Kai.

Cole returns and takes a bite of his chocolate cake "Ohh dat was whoyd," he said as crumbs flew out of his mouth. "I saw him hiding but I thought the better of it."

O-my-word-Cole really?

"What!" Kai raged. "He was in here!"

Cole swallowed. And answered. "Ugh, yea I saw him hiding under the table, before he dashed off. He probably went to our bedroom. At least that's where I saw him heading." Cole sounded confused."Didn't you guys see him?"

"Noooo!" Kai and I cried out at the same time.

"Ohhhh....." Cole answered.

"He better be in that bedroom." Kai threatened Cole.

Coley-boy gave Kai a look of terror making the chocolate on his face tremble.

I laughed inside.

Heh heh.

Lloyd was gonna get it!

The Nya lover OUT!

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