The unstopable cats meow

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Have you ever wondered if cars could dance? Or if macaroni could hug you? Or if cats could fly? Well according to Lloyd and platypus, cats can fly. I just don't know how. Neither do the guys.


"That's Platypus?" Clue asked in amazement as he watch Lloyd coo over the little kitten. "How did he get up here?"

How DID he get up here? We are like 1000 feet in the sky!

"I don't know! Just keep that fur-ball away from me!" Kai shrieked from behind a box.

"Away from us!" Kyle corrected Kai as he peeked over the barrel. "That cat has evil eyes! Look at it glaring at us!"


"Maybe that's because your hiding behind a barrel," Luke supplied. "I mean, I would be glaring at you too if you were hiding from me! It's rude!"

"Maybe I am not just hiding from the cat."

"Oh shut-up!"


"Awww aren't you the cutest thing!" Lloyd cooed as he cuddled the kitten. "How did you get up here?"


"Did you fly?"


"That's my girl!" Lloyd continued to pet and talk to the cat ignoring the stares the guys and I were giving him. 



"Why is the cat meowing all the time?" Cole asked obviously annoyed. "Can't he do anything else beside that dreadful meow?"


"It's a cat, Cole what else do you expect?" I retorted. "Singing?"

"Well something other then meowing!"


Clue approached Platypus cautiously and beamed once Platypus rubbed her head on his hand.


"Like this other purring noise?" Clue asked Cole.


I heard a feminine voice, "research complete." I turned over to Zane just to see his eyes fade into its normal color. "It appears that cats cannot fly," Zane explained bringing on the topic earlier. "Cats don't have wings therefore they cannot fly."


Wow. We didn't need a genius to figure that out. I mean look at the cat! It's tiny. It's fluffy. It's probably stupid like Lloyd. It's multicolored. And it meows too much!


I proved my point.

Nya came out carrying lemonade in her bikini scene we are taking a break from this water fight. And we are all still in our swimsuits. Anyway.....lemonade. FINALLY! I am thirsty. I dashed toward her and in the next second I drank two cups of lemonade.

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