The disturbance of the nindroid

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So we went to our bedroom.

As we entered our bedroom we saw Zane meditating on his bed near the window. We TRIED not to disturb him.

"Pssst, hey Kai you're the one who wants to know where your hair gel went right?" I whispered to him as we tiptoed.

He nodded.

"Well then ask Zane if he saw Lloyd..."I told him.

He thought for a minute then shook his head. "No Zapbag, you thought of it you do it!" He scream whispered back to me.

"Me? What about Cole?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"Whoa!" Cole said as he backed up toward the door, "don't bring me into this!

"Shoot-a-pickle!" I said very loudly, too loudly.

Zane stirred and opened his ice blue robotic eyes. And looked at me, waiting for me to explain.

"H-hey Zane umm we were wondering if you s-saw Lloyd anywhere?" I stammered.

Kai rolled his eyes "Jay, Zane is not gonna eat you.... maybe hurt you but not eat you." He says as he walks over and puts his hand on Zane sholder.

Kai looked at Zane.

Zane looked at Cole.

Cole looked at Kai.

And then they all looked at-gulp-me!

I looked at Zane. His eyes were now playfully laughing at me! Cole is grinning from ear to ear. And Kai is smirking. I didn't know what to do. And what was so funny?

"Zane?..." I quietly start ask.

Zane starts to laugh. His robotic laughter fills the bedroom and soon Kai and Cole were laughing alongside of Zane.

Cole doubled over and started rolling on the ground laughing. Kai was bent over holding his stomach and started to wheeze laugh. And Zane was laughing in his fluffy pillow making a muffled nindroid laughter. And me? I was just standing there looking dumb, as usual. This is gonna take a while. So why not get cozy?

So I went to my bed, with my big blue comforter and sat on it. Waiting for them to stop laughing.

Finally, finally after much laughter and rolling on the ground, they stop. I don't know why they were laughing. I mean, I didn't see anything funny. Oh well.

Zane sits up and wipes away black oil from his eyes (yes his eyes leak oil instead of tears) and says, "Sorry Jay, you were so terrified of me when I glared at you!"

Ha-ha-ha. He continued to laugh.

Kai stepped forward and he said with a serious expression on his face. "Stop it, Zane! This is serious buisness."

Man, he sounded just like him when Garmadon turned us back into kids and Lloyd was a kid, and...Well that's a different story.

"Did you see Lloyd in the last..." Cole blurted.

"Last what?" Zane asks.

"Today!" I told him standing straight up.

They looked at me oddly.

"What?? I couldn't think of any thing else!"

"Yes," said Zane, "I saw him run down the hallway a few minutes ago and he was heading toward the deck..."

We didn't hear him finish, because we were gone by then.

Cole started panting when we came to the Bountys deck. "Guys do you think....pant...that he went...pant...on his elemental dragon? Pant, pant pant.

Wow Coley-boy, I didn't even get a pant out if that! After all I am the master of lighting. I smirked. Nothing can beat lighting!

Heh heh.

Kai interrupted my thoughts. "Ya, Cole he might of!" He took out his golden sword and...

"Hold it!" I said, "If Lloyd went skyward," I pointed toward the sky, "then we need to do things my way!" I smirked. Nothing can beat lighting!

In a flash I took out my nunchucks and formed a big blueish silver bubble around us. And in 2 seconds flat we were in the air, on my blue electrifying plane.


Nothing can beat lighting!

Kai started to whine,"But I could've done that too!"

"But, yours doesn't go into the sky." Cole answered for me. "Yours is a red motorbike."

Thanks buddy, I mean, it is hard to focus what is ahead of you when someone is trying to get your attention.

Kai crossed his arms and scowled. "Next time it is gonna be my turn."

"Sure, whatever you say," I told him as I started to hit some buttons in the plane.

I was hardly listening to Kai. He can be such a whiner! Unlike me!

My plane is the best! Nothing can be lighting!

After awhile in the air, finding nothing we went back to the Bounty. First, we hovered over the Bounty. Second, I hit the red button that makes us fall. Thirdly, we fell feet first into the Bounty.


Well, I was the only one who landed on my feet. Kai landed on his face with his arms and legs spread out like a red star fish.

Heh heh.

Nothing can beat lighting!

And Cole..well, he landed on something green....

The Nya lover OUT!

Please comment and give me and my sis some ideas!! Thanks!


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