If you need to barf, barf on BLUE part 2

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Everyone looked at my shirt.


Even Nya looked.

Is anyone not snoopy?

I looked down at my juiced stained, barf on BLUE shirt that I got from Lloyd last summer.

I love it.

It's like an ugly Christmas sweater that you can where all year round.

But it's not a sweater.

But, It's cozy.

And It's light.

And it is a gazillion times to big.

And best of all its ugly.

Very non-Me-ish.

I like it.

I looked up and smiled at everyone, "like it?" I asked chuckling a little bit.

Lloyd chuckled and nodded, I could tell that he was going into a laughing fit soon.

Kai stared at me in disbelief as he scanned me up and down.

Nya started to talk and laugh at the same time, "J-Jay that's s-so not YOU!" She giggled.

Yes it is, its ME-ISH!!

I can't believe she didn't notice it when she was wiping the juice off my shirt.

Cole looked at me with wide eyes and slowly nodded while he was trying to comprehend what I was wearing.

Sensei's beard was quivering so, I assume he likes it.

And Zane just stared at my shirt, while he scratched his head in wonder.

Haha! They like it.

I skipped back to the kitchen to grab some bread, cheese, meat, and butter for our sandwiches.

Twelve eyes watched my every move.

It was creepy.

Imagine, your friends not trusting you to make their food!

Lloyd being bored, yelled across the table at Cole, "Hey, Cole!"

Cole slowly moved his eyes from me, and soon they landed on the blond.

"Ya know where I got your 'kiss a turtle obviously' shirt right?" Lloyd asked as he played with his spoon, hitting spoon so it flips and lands back onto the table.

Cole nodded.

"Well, that's were I got the JAY shirt," Lloyd finished as he grabbed his spoon and pointed it at me.

He pointed the spoon at me!

How dare he.

Doesn't he know that I am the greatest?!


I finished making the sandwiches and placed them onto the table. Then I sat down myself, next to Nya, across from Lloyd.

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