The carefully, calmly, cherry pie

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The Red ninja the corner...

The green ninja angry...with Zane...

The black ninja upset...that he lost...

Me, the blue ninja embarrassed....that I've failed.

The white ninja dancing.....cause he won...

"I won!" Zane exclaimed, "I did it!" He jumped up and did a little boogie around the room.

I crossed my arms.


"I would've won if you didn't karate chop my dude!" I exploded.

"Ya, but you didn't win," Lloyd grumbled, as he put his remote away.

He glared at Zane.

"I won! I won!" The nindroid sang ignoring us.

"If you would've let me play, I would have beat you all!" Kai told us.

"Then we wouldn't be mad at Zane! We would be mad at you!" Cole said as he threw his hands in the air. "Serious Kai! Think a little!"

Yeah.... Kai doesn't think at all.

Heh heh.

"Sorry! I was trying to help," Kai mumbles as he stands up out of the corner.

Who pouts in the corner now a days?!

Kai does.

"Ya, well don't!" I told Kai as I placed my hands on my hips. "You aren't helping the situation."

Zane stepped on Lloyd's foot.

Seriously! He is still dancing!

"Oww, owwww! Zane, watch where you're stepping!" Lloyd exclaimed while hopped on one foot and turned around in circles.

We all laughed except for Lloyd and Zane.

"I won! I am the best!" He winked at Lloyd and wagged his butt at him.

I bet Zane doesn't even know that he stepped on Lloyd's foot.

"What! Wait! I am the best! And no one else!" Lloyd protested as he puffed up his chest in pride.

Ya ya. We get it, Lloyd.

Don't mess with the best.

Your favorite saying.

The saying that you made up.


"That already?" Zane sighed as he threw his remote in the box. "Sorry guys, my baking is done." And with that, he left us.

Okay... then what to do.

I stood up, and threw my remote into the box.


"Jay, don't you know not to throw Xbox remotes?" Cole asked.

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