"Wow your fast!" Its the lightining folks! LIGHTINING!

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Why popcorn?

Popcorn is something that you eat when your watching something entertaining. Like the Lego movie! Sorry to break this to you Lloydykins but this fight isn't entertaining. It's serious.

Cole seemed to think that Lloyd comment was funny. He smirked and said, "seriously!? Then get on with it!"

Lloyd was about to run to the nearest restaurant when he paused and sat down. He stretched and leaned back onto the store wall. "Never mind, I'm good here."

Zane looked nervous as he looked out through the store window. He turned a bit pale and glitched a few times before stuttering, "G-guys."

Getting frustrated with all the distractions. I moved back to a threatening stance and yelled, "COLE GET OVER HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!"

Cole raised his eyebrow. "Jay, how 'bout you get over here since you are over there?"

I stomped my foot. "No!"


Lloyd yawned making some nearby fan girls swoon over him. "Where's the fight I am bored!"

Cole glared at Lloyd. "We," he points to me and him. "Are done fighting."

"No we aren't! I'm not paying for those sunglasses!" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Guys...Kai's over there." Zane points out of the window and just as he did Kai strutted up.

"Hey guys! Oh, Sup!" Kai said winking at some fan girls. A few of them fainted others squealed.

Lloyd nervously gets up. "Uh, weren't you taking care of Nya since she's sick?"

Cole the dumbo, stupidly exclaims, "I thought it was Kai's birthday!"

"Shush!" I whispered yelled.

Zane being the closest to Cole elbowed him in the ribs. And casually asked, "How's Nya?"

Kai shrugged, "I think she was sick of me. I mean, she threw the soup at my face and started crying for Jay."

"Great!" Lloyd exclaimed while he rolled his eyes. "Now Jay will freak out because you left Nya crying!"

Nya my girlfriend. My pal and buddy forever. I shall rescue you! But first my wallet. I eyed my wallet which was behind Lloyds back. "I'll go back! And I'll take that!" I snatch the wallet and run.


Haha, so long suckers!

I raced out onto the parking lot and...wait a minute Nya's not even sick! It was all and act. I slapped my face. Wow Jay. Smart. But I can't go back into the store then Kai will freak because I'm not being a 'good enough boyfriend'.
Well I'll just go back to the bounty. Because I have to put up the act too, otherwise Kai might get suspicious.

I formed my energy dragon and flew off. Once I was high in the sky, heading back toward the bounty, Nya texted me. 

MYLov4eva- Jay I need u to go to sensei Garmies monastery stat!

Me- y?

MYLov4eva- Gorman is awake!!

Me- he is!

MYLov4eva- yeah! He woke up just a fe-

I stopped texting and flew as fast as I could over to Sensei Garmadons' monastery. The ride over was long. Well, I guess I was at ninjagos' mall. On the way there questions kept flying around in my head. Over and over again. How is he? Does he have amnesia? No, he couldn't have amnesia. Could he? When did he wake up? Is he hurting?

I flew over the forest that was near the monastery . That where we found P.I.X.A.L. Evil. Evil P.I.X.A.L. Well, we didn't find her, Zane did. And Zane didn't really find her either I think she found us. Whatever.

Anyway, I landed by the monastery's door. My dragon disappeared as I went to knock at the door. The door flew open right before I could knock.


I glance down to see Clue. Clue looked at me in shock a bit. "I didn't expect you so soon!" He exclaimed.

"Well, I was on my way back to the bounty when Nya text so..." I didn't have time to finish because Clue dragged me right into the living room. He pushed me onto a corner couch and left. 

Kyle came next he sauntered in the room a gasped when he saw me. "Wow your fast!" Then just like that he left.

I am so confused by all of this.

"Look just look!" I heard a shout. "If he's not there I'll give you five dollars!"

"Oh fine I'll look! But only to make you happy! And maybe to make me richer then before!"

Two heads peeked into the living room. Luke and Kyle.

"See I told you!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Dude, he's one crazy dragon flyer!" Luke said in awe before Kyle and him disappeared.

"You owe me five bucks!"

"Do not!"

"Yeah, you do!"

There arguing faded and soon it was silent again. "They are exactly like Kai and Lloyd." I said to myself as I smirked. My smirk soon faded as I realized what I was doing here.

"Hey guys wait!" I called after Luke and Kyle. "I need to ask you a question!" I ran out of the living room and bumped into Zach. "Oof!"

"Heh heh sorry about that I usually look where I am going." Zach apologized before he realized who he was talking too. "Oh, Jay! Your here already!?" Just like the others he stared at me in shock.

"Yeah I am here, why is everyone so shocked? I mean, I am the master of lighting!" I smirked.

Zach rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah."

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Uhh, you just did." Zach pointed out.

"Well can I ask you another question?"

"You just did again!"

I sighed. "Where's Gorman?"

"Oh, he's around. I think he's out in the garden." Zach answered.



Question time!
Who's ready for summer!?


Okay no that wasn't really the question the question actually was who's ready for the last day of school!?


Vote, comment! :)


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