My money, my wallet, why me!?

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After Lloyd ran away from us, while clutching his candy bag, screaming, "BWHAHAHA THE CANDY IS MINE!" And after he re-hid his candy stash we, Cole, Lloyd, Zane and I, went shopping for Kai's Birthday. Which happens to be next week Thursday.

Nya faked sick so we could go shopping. She accidentally 'barfed'
on Sensei. Sensei however wasn't impressed that we choose him to be the barf bag. The barf included, Coles burnt mushroom stew, a few of Lloyds lollipops, Zane's oil, Nya's perfume, and feathers from my pillow. I actually don't know how Nya threw it on Sensei. Must've been a bucket. Anyway, Kai, of course, volunteered to stay behind from 'Shopping for winter clothes' so he could take care of his baby sister. How did he even believe it? I mean it didn't even look like barf.

Anyway, here we are in the mall searching for a great gift for Kai.

"We should get Kai a job!" Lloyd stated rubbing his chin in thought.

"Yeah! At the bakery!" Cole said glancing at the bakery. Some drool slid down his chin as he eyed a chocolate cake behind the store window.

I laughed at Coles drooling face. "Nah, he should get a job at the plumbers."

"No, seriously. What is there to get Kai!?" Lloyd exclaimed walking into a store called, Plastic Pants, with us trailing behind.

The store had lots of hoodies, leather jackets, hats, skirts, shoes, shirts, skateboards and many other teenish items. We looked through the store, picking up items here and there. None of the suited Kai.

I sighed as I put a red tie with flames back onto the rack. Glancing around I spied Cole looking at some underwear...

"What about Slushies for Kai? Zane asked picking up a baseball cap and placing it on my head.

I laughed and pulled it off, "Yeah!"

Ignoring Zane and I, Coles eyes moved from the underwear and  searched the store, they stopped on a box of sunglasses. He did a happy dance before exclaiming, "I know sunglasses! He lost his old ones!"

Lloyd, obviously liking the idea, ran up to the box and browsed through it. "What color? Green, red, orange, or green with red stripes or orange with polk-oa-dots?"

"Orange with Polk-a-dots! So Kai-ish!" Cole hooted as he looked through another box on the left side of Lloyd.

"I agree!" Zane said.

"Yup totally Kai-ish!" I agreed smirking.

Lloyd smiled as he grabbed the pair of sunglasses. He set them into the counter to pay. "Okay then, Jay pays!"

I stared in shock at the green ninja. Did he just that I'm paying. Why is it always me!? "W-what!?"

Zane glanced at me apologetically.

"$250 Jay! Pay up!" Lloyd exclaimed. He thrusted his hand out wiggling his fingers waiting for money.

Cole snorted then agreed with Lloyd. "Yeah, Jay pay up."

Why did they pick on me so? I have to think of an accuse that I don't have my wallet. I know I'll say that I forgot it! "I forgot my wallet guys!" I patted my pant pockets for proof.

Zane scanned me. "Yup, he has no wallet on him!"

"SEE!" Wait a minute. I did have a wallet on me. Then where is it?

Lloyd smiled.

Oh, no!

"I had a feeling you would say that," Lloyd announced. "Which is why...." He reaches out behind his back. "I took it!"

Cole chuckled making his shoulders move up and down. "Hee hee hee."

Lloyd smirked victoriously.

Wait, that's not my wallet! Then where's my wallet? "That's Coles wallet, Lloyd!" I exclaimed. "I don't have an earthy wallet like that!"

Again Lloyd smirked. "No worries! Cole put your money in his wallet!" He pulled out some cash to pay to the cashier behind the counter.
The cashier, might I say, was a little weird with chewing gum, 3 piercings on her lip and her hair was dyed red and yellow! Ugh.

Anyway, Lloyd was paying her with my money.




Cole gives a little smile to me, "I don't have much money, so I took a bit of your money Jay."

A bit of money? Come to think of it I had lost a 20 dollar bill last week. And when Cole said that he borrowed some. My eyes widened in realization. "That's where my $20 went!"

There was a pause.

"Hey, Cole?"


"I'm gonna kill you!" And with that I lunged at him.

Zane looked at us with a panicked expression. "JAY! STOP!"

Lloyd said something about that's actually where my 2000 dollars went but I ignored him. Time to die Cole.

I tackled Cole pushing him down.  I was about to punch him in the face when he grabbed me and threw me into the nearest wall knocking over some mannequins .  

I groaned and tried to look at Cole through my blurry vision. Cole was acting like he was 'the best.' Showing off his muscles to nearby fan girls. Lloyd was chanting fight, fight, fight, while Zane on the other hand looked concerned. Zane scanned me once again. Then once realizing that I was fine he didn't make a move to help me up.

I stood up and growled at Cole.

I was just about to charge again when a voice yelled, "EVERYONE HOLD THE FIGHT! I WANNA BUY SOME POPCORN!"



Hey guys hope this made up for last weeks. I couldn't think last week at all! It was torture! So I spent my time this week to make this one the best I could ever make it.

Question time:
What makes you happy?

What makes me happy is my family. They are singing on the top of there lungs right now. What if by PureNRG. They are so funny! 😂👍 I love my family.

So what makes you happy?

Anyway! Hope you guys had a nice weekend.

Until next time.


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