If you need to barf, barf on BLUE part 1

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After my long hot shower, of getting all of the dye out. I peeked out the door and scuffled over to my dresser to look for something cozy.

I opened my blue drawer and figured through it.

Let's see, I don't want to wear my blue Gi. That's not really cozy. My blue Pajamas? Nah.

Blue, I never new I owned so much blue stuff in my life!

I was still digging in my drawer when I saw my new blue tee shirt that I got from Lloyd last summer. And by new I mean that I have never wore it before.
You know why? It's big and a little too big for me. (It was made for a fat person like Cole). And what is in the middle of the shirt shocks me.

Ha. Haha. Shocks, get it? as in lightning?

Sigh, I am so good at making puns.

Anyway back to the present. But what is in the middle of the shirt shocks me. The words are big white block letters and it says 'If you need to barf, barf on BLUE'. Who would want to barf on blue anyway? I mean come on! Blue is the best color in the world! Blue is my life!

"Jay! It's your turn to make supper!" Nya yelled.

Oh, yay that's right.

"I'll be there in a sec!"

So, I threw the 'barf on BLUE' tee shirt over my head, wiggled into some jeans, and dashed out the door towards the kitchen finding Nya waiting impatiently by the counter.

"Took you long enough," she said as she pulled a stool over and sat on it.

"What? I like long hot showers!" I retorted as I moved towards the stove.

Nya rolled her eyes, "well you better hurry. The guys, not Cole, went out on a mission while your were in the shower. And they should be back any minute."

"They went on a mission without me!" I yelled as I took out the fryer and set it onto the counter.


I groaned.

"So whatchya making?" Nya asked as she look curiously at the frying pan thingy on the counter.

I grabbed some eggs, milk, green peppers, cheese and deli meat out of the fridge and plopped it onto the counter.

I picked up an egg and looked Nya straight in the eye, "omelettes."


I grabbed a cup and cracked two eggs in it, poured in some milk, added a little bit of shredded cheese, chopped up deli meat and a few pieces of green peppers. Then I mixed it together.

"What's the drink?" Nya asked me as crossed her legs.

"Umm, how juice?" I said as I poured the omelette onto the fryer.

"Sure thing!" Nya said as she stood up and walked over to the freezer to grab some frozen juice.

I smiled.

I heard some crunching of french fries coming from the freezer, then Nya saying, "finally I got it!" While I made another omelette.

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