The joke book

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"And BlueNightShocker3 comes racing around the corner and-AHH! AN ARMY OF PIRATES! He takes out his trusty silver half sword and takes the Pirates on. A short scrawny pirate with a green bandana steps forward he raises his gun and-OH! What a dodge! BLUENIGHTSHOCKER3 HAS DONE IT AGAIN! He then ducks under the falling mast as he-."


I paused fist2face7 and looked at Cole who was reading a joke book. Cole glanced at me and shrugs before returning to his book.

I turn back to the screen and pressed the resume button and once again I was fighting pirates. "RUN! DODGE! FLIP AND- AHH LOOK OUT!" I yelled pressing rapidly on the button the made my character jump. The hearts on the screen went down from five to one and a half. Until a girl pirate walked up and took my last lives. "NOOOO!" I screamed. Dun dun duuuun, screen played its game over music as the words flashed on the screen.


Cole and I stared at the door as Kai came panting in. "Quick guys you gotta hide me! Or at least hide this!" He thrusted a brown paper bag into my hands. Cole raised his eyebrow at Kai as I opened the bag. Candy lots of candy. Lloyds hidden candy stash!

"Kai did you find-." Kai covered my mouth with his hand and nodded.

"Yes, I did Zapbag now be quiet he's coming!"

Uhh, not knowing what to with the candy, I threw it to Cole. Cole panicked as he fumbled with the bag in his hands before tossing it to Kai. Kai freaked and threw it to me, who threw it to Cole. Coles face turned white with terror before shoving the candy under the couch, that I was sitting on, just as Lloyd walked in. Angry Lloyd walked in.

Lloyd scanned us thoroughly before looking around at the room. His eyes fell onto the couch that I was on. Kai noticed this and was nervously shifting from foot to foot. Cole tried to act casual. With his joke book on his lap he turned to a random page and started to read jokes out loud to Kai and I. "Hey! Look at this one!" He chuckled. "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" Kai and I asked simultaneously.

"General Lee."

"General Lee who?"

"Generally, I don't tell jokes!"

He cracked up, Kai face palmed, Lloyd glared and continued to search the room, and I laughed out loud.

"What's all the commotion?" Zane asked poking his head through the doorway.

"Oh, just telling jokes!" Cole grinned and turned to a new page. Curiously Zane walked in and leaned over Cole shoulder reading along with him.

Lloyd growled a bit, walking up to Kai he punched Kai in the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?" Kai whined while rubbing his shoulder.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"


"Why would I know where your candy stash is?"


"Because why?"

"Listen," he leaned dangerously to Kai and with a low voice he said. "Who ever took my candy stash, hid my candy stash, touched my candy stash with feel my wrath!"

Ooooooo threats. This is getting good!
I smirked as I watched Kai shiver. Lloyd growled a bit more before stomping out and into the hallway.

"Oh, here's one!" Cole exclaimed completely oblivious on what just happen. "What did the grasshopper say when he hit the windshield?" He paused before continuing in a scratchy voice. "If I had the guts, I would do it again." He laughed and slapped his knees.

I laughed at the joke and Zane's face.
His face was all scrunched up as he frowned at the book. "I don't get it." He stated. Silence fell on Cole and I as we looked at each other. Then back at Zane, his face showing clearly that he didn't get the joke. Cole and I burst out laughing.

Kai once more face palmed, "it was a pun, Zane. A pun. Like what happened when the cow jumped over the barbed wire fence." (Go to udder destruction by alloydgat0rs in Lloyds blog 1)

"Oh." Zane looked even more confused then before. "But what does a udder destruction have do to with guts splattered on the windshield?"

Oh, my this is too funny! Cole and I laughed harder then ever. "My...stomach is...about to burst!" I exclaimed between laughs.

"Zane what happened to your humor switch?" Cole asked chuckling a bit before turning to another page in his book.

"It's not on." Zane replied eyeing the page that Cole just turned.

"We realized." Kai answered plopping into the couch next to me.

Right before I could tell him to turn it on, Lloyd came walking in with a sledge hammer. Kai and I watched him as he dragged it over to the wall and started to pound the wall. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing Lloyd!?" I asked grabbing the sledge hammer before he could go another round with it.

"My candy stash. It's in the wall!" He exclaimed.

Cole snorted but continued to look at the book, acting like he was reading it.

"And why would you think that?" I asked again. Placing the sledge hammer on to the couch where I was sitting. The hammer fell over and the stick whacked Kai in the head. He glared at me. Cole snickered.

"Because there's green stuff coming out of the wall."

"And why would green stuff be coming out of the wall? May I ask?" Wait-green stuff!?

"I don't know."

"Let me see." Kai shoved Lloyd and I out of the way as he inspected the stuff.

Lloyd huffed at us before stomping once again out of the room. "THAT BETTER NOT BE MY CANDY!"

"DON'T WORRY ITS NOT!" Cole yelled before realizing his mistake.



Hey guys! This chapter is sooo funny I was laughing to hard when writing this.

What do you think that green goo/ stuff in the wall is???

Comment comment comment! But please no swearing :) and vote


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