It's for the best, Jay

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"-and that's the story of Lloyd, Me and Greg on vacation." I finished.

Zach, who was on the right side of Gorman's bed, started laughing, "No way! You threw beach ball Greg on Lloyd and said it was an accident! That's so funny!" He erupted into laughter again. (Read the ungetridable plastic in Lloyds blog 1, by Alloydgat0rs ) "Tell me the part again on how you kept on giving him airheads!"

"Okay, well whenever he looked like he was about to explode with frustration I just tossed an airhead onto his lap. After I would throw them he would grab the candy as fast as he can and make a happy face before eating it." I explained once more.

Zach cracked up laughing hysterically. He slapped his knees and fell onto the floor. Honestly, I have no idea how that was so funny, but I guess to him it was hilarious. After awhile of giggles on the floor Zach sat up and wiped his eyes, "oh man, I hope Gorman can hear this." He said chuckling a bit.

"I am sure he can."

Zach and I quickly glanced at the door to see who was standing in the doorway. It was Sensei Garmadon. "Jay, Wu would like to see you he's in his room." He said stepping into the infirmary. "Now."

Nervously I did a quick look at Gorman who was still unconscious. Before stepping out of the infirmary. I really didn't want to go see Sensei, but the urgency in Sensei Garmadons voice told me otherwise. I walked down the hallway and past the game room. Kai, Coles, Zane and Lloyds screams were heard.





"What does this do?"




There was a pause before the Xbox played its game over music.



Laughter escaped from the crowd of kids as they watched. Soon the little nervous excuses from Zane reached my ears, I smirked and continued down to sensei's room.

I stopped at the oak wood door before knocking. There was a pause and then sensei's voice rang out, "Come in!" Opening the door I peeked in only to find Sensei, his mat, and another mat on the floor. He gestured for me to sit down. And so I sat. His teapot was in between us and, of course, he had his tea cup in his hand. Man, I hope Lloyd won't like tea anytime soon. Ech. Sensei interrupted my thoughts with that scratchy voice of his, "Jay, I must tell you something. Something of great importance." I patiently waited for him to continue while he sipped his tea. "With much thought Garmadon and I have agreed that the best step to insure Gorman's health is that he goes with Garmadon to his monetary." He waited for me to answer sipping his tea every once in awhile.

"But, then that would mean that the kids would leave too!" I exclaimed upset.

"Yes, they would have to leave too."

Silence fell between the both of us. A few minutes past before I decided to leave. As I stood Sensei Wu said, "it's for the best, Jay." Those words stuck with me as left Sensei and entered the infirmity once again. Only to find Gorman and I there alone.

It's for the best, Jay.

I heard complaints coming from the kids and my brothers as Sensei Wu and Garmadon broke the news about them leaving soon. And then silence. I glanced at Gorman. Just seeing him there made me want to cry. Then I left.  I ran up to my brothers and I's room and shut the door. I climbed up into the top bunk and collapsed onto my bed, Letting a few tears go.

The door opened a bit and I heard a soft voice. "Jay?"

Nya! Oh man I couldn't let her see me like this. I sat up, dangled my feet over the edge, wiped my eyes, and looked at the door. "H-hi Nya." I stuttered.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure?" It came out more as a question then an answer.

She opened the door and stepped into the room shutting the door behind her. Then she slowly walked toward me. I let her climb up and sit next to me also dangling her feet over the edge. She glanced at me with sympathetic eyes then she started to rub my back, "just let it out, just let it out." She whispered. I cried. And she hugged me and whispered comforting words like, 'it's okay, let it out, I am here, he'll be fine.' After a few minuets past I sniffed and pulled away from her.

"Thanks N-Nya."

"I don't mean to rush you Jay but the kids want to say goodbye to you." Nya stated. "They are on the deck."

I nodded, jumped off my bunk, thanked Nya once more before dragging my feet up the stairs toward the deck. The guys were talking to the sensei's when I got to the top. And the kids were sitting on the side with bored faces.

"Already the bored face?" I asked as I sat down next to Kyle and Clue.

"Yeah. It's gonna be sooo lame when we get back." Kyle announced as he crossed his hands. "I wish you guys could come."

"Yeah, but they can visit, right?" Zach asked.

"Yeah! I mean they will always come to visit us!" Clue exclaimed raising his eyebrows in excitement. "At least once we get there they will visit us anyway because they will want to know how Gorman's doing."

Silence swept of us like a wave. Then that thought hit me again.

It's for the best, Jay.

As if Luke knew what I was thinking he said, "Don't worry, we'll take care of him won't we guys?" His team nodded in agreement.

"Sure! And you'll be the first to call when he wakes up!" Clue said.

I smiled at Clue. 

"TIME TO GO!" Garmadon yelled.

"Awwww." The boys chorused.

"Bye Jay!"

"See ya soon!"

"Talk to you later!"

"Thank you, I enjoyed every second of the day we had!"

"Remember we'll call you!"

"Bye!" I called as I waved them off. They jumped into our altra-sonic-radar that they borrowed from us and took off driving down the long dusty road.


Hey guys, what's up? Well I know the sky is. (That's was random) Oh by the way, I put I little more time and words into this chapter because I missed last weeks.

Anyway its.......

...... are you ready??

Are you ready yet?

Are you ready yet?


Because it's....

Did you like the kids? Who was your favorite and why?

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