The questionaire about me.

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Real name: my nickname is bajoons at home. And I do not feel like typing my real name. SORRY!

Relation: none

Crush: not really kind of.... Okay 2 crushes, one of them is from Ninjago:p.

Height: I was 5,6 in grade six so...
I am in gr. 8 now! Don't worry I am not getting any taller! I used to be the tallest in my class :(

Birthday: February 11, 2002.
I am graduating in 2020 isn't that cool??
Best boy friend: my bros!

Best girl friend: My friend at school. I am not gonna say her name but she is really funny.

Last song I listened too: ninjago theme song :p we were playing it when we were doing dishes! Today!

Last cry: I don't remember.

Last laugh: a few minutes ago!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?:
Israel! My grandma and grandpa were just there! The place from the pics were so cool!

One more fact about me! It is just for fun!
I really enjoy Ninjago and all the characters are so funny!!! Jay and lloyd are my favs!

I still cannot believe that my sis wrote the entire Lloyd blog!!! I was seriously crying from surprise, but who can blame me?

What is your fav episode?
I forget the title but it is from season 6.
The one when they are making the dock!! And Zane's voice goes funny!That was so funny! Lol!!

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