Chapter One

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After Jeanine made two random Dauntless members sit in the chairs, Caleb and I walked towards them with the cables in our hands. First I took the red one and placed it on her head. She already took off her shirt, so I put the blue ones on her heart. Finally, I put the yellow one on her hand vessel. "You can put your shirt on now," I said and walked towards the screen. I entered her information and opened the window showing her vital functions. At the moment, her heart was beating and the image of her brain image looked normal.

Caleb and I both nodded at Jeanine, to notify her that we were ready and she started the experiment. The girl and boy stood up and started to fight. Like, a real fight. First, he punched the girl on her chin, and he hit her womb. He was about to kick her but she turned around and punched him in the ribs. He was breathless for a moment, and she took advantage of it, hitting his leg from behind. As she did so, a red window popped up in Caleb's screen. "Bruised leg," it said. The guy caught her foot and pulled it. She fell, and the same red window appeared on my screen. "Bruised leg" along with other information on her vitals.

For the following next minutes, their fight was stable. They hit each other a couple of times, but the functions were normal. "That's enough". As they heard Jeanine's voice, they stopped and sat back on their chairs for the cables to be removed. They laughed and discussed their moves as Caleb and I worked.

So that was it? They beat each other and act like nothing happened? That was it?

When we were done Caleb turned to both of them. "If you want you can go to the infirmary, now," As they stood up, and the next two were sitting, I made eye contact with Eric. He was already looking at me with the same cold gaze. I sighed and turned my back to him.

After 6 members and 3 more fights, Jeanine announced a break. While Caleb walked towards his sister, my dad approached me. "You were really good honey, I'm so proud of you," he said. I could hear the pride he had just by his voice of tone. I smiled. "Thanks, dad."

Then I saw Jeanine coming here, and I took a deep breath. "You really did a good job, I knew I hadn't made a mistake I feel that we will accomplish many things together," she said. My dad smiled proudly. Before any of us could continue someone called to her.

"Jeanine?"Someone asked and we all turned to face the guy in black. "Jackson, come here, please," Jeanine said politely."Aaron, Angela, this is Jackson, one of the reasons that we are here, doing this project." Suddenly, I saw him as a really important person. He's one of the reasons I'm here, making my family more proud. "Hello," he said. Then we shook hands. As we were talking, a guy approached us. "Aaron, Jeanine, could you please come for a second?"

I was left alone with Jackson. I wondered how old he is. He didn't look that old but also not as young as I am. I was intrigued by him, given what Jeanine just said. "So, Angela, I have a feeling that we will see each other a lot," he said along with a smirk. I nodded.

" Well, if Mrs.Matthews puts me on the other projects too," I said. He smiled. "Of course she would. I'm sure she wouldn't like to miss a chance like this. "he added. I laughed. "Thanks." He leaned onto the wall. "Can you help me figure out something?" he asked. "Sure, I mean, if it's something I know--" he interrupted me. "Oh, I'm sure you know it," he said with a grin. I laughed again and looked at him questioningly.

"I was wondering how can you manage to be smart and incredibly beautiful at the same time?" he asked me and as he was saying it he grabbed a strand of my hair, which had gone out of my bun. I could feel that I was blushing. I smiled and glanced away from his eyes. "I-", I started to talk, but couldn't finish my sentence. "You're cute," he said. Now he was just making it worse. "So I'm cute, beautiful and genius?" I shot back. He nodded. "Yes," he answered and I smiled in response.

We broke our eye contact with the sound of a cough. It was Eric. I could see in his eyes that he was angry. "Jackson," he said, almost as if he was spitting. "Break's over," he added sternly. Jackson nodded than turned to me. "I guess I'll see you later," he said and winked. I smiled until I saw Eric's cold glare. I rolled my eyes at him and went to my old place. I opened the system again and waited for Caleb to do the same.

When I turned around to see who the next Dauntless members were, I didn't expect to see Eric and Jackson. Also, Eric was sitting by my side. He already took off his shirt and he was looking at me. Same for Jackson. Except Jackson was winking at me and Eric was glaring at him. I couldn't help but blush as I made my way over to Eric.

First I put the red one to his head but then I put the yellow one on his hand first because whenever my hand goes close to his chest my heart started to beat faster. Then after a deep breath, I quickly put the blue one. I walked to the screen before Caleb, but I could sense that deep down Eric was enjoying himself, especially after my misery.

Their fight didn't exactly start as I imagined. Jackson didn't even had a chance. The second Jeanine said that they could start Eric punched him so hard that it made him lose his balance temporarily. After a few strong punches Jackson fell. Eric sat on him and continued punching.

Meanwhile, lots of red windows popped in Caleb's screen. Eric was beating him so fast that Jackson didn't even have a chance to fight back. Caleb quickly walked to Jeanine and told her the changes in his life functions. But I could hear Jeanine refusing to stop. "The aim of this experiment is to test the limits," Jeanine said in a cold voice.

Then Eric grabbed Jackson's head and started to hit the ground. Again and again. I gulped, watching it. He had completely changed. The Eric I knew, well he sure was mean and rude but this? This wasn't like the guy I knew.

I heard Caleb shouting. "Stop him, we are losing him." I turned to the screen to see the functions. Jackson's brain's heat chart changed and there were so many bruises and broken bones. The screen was covered with red pop-up warnings.

It was barbaric. That was the word. Beating someone to death. Caleb's sister and another guy practically ran to try to stop and get Eric. My dad and Carl took Jackson and carried him to the infirmary.

It was awkward as Eric came back to chair and ripped the cables from his body and threw them. Jeanine was talking to some people and everyone from Dauntless seemed like they were used to it, they were just looking at us.

The bad thing was, I didn't realize I was enjoying it until Eric punched a guy trying to take him away and looked at me with the blood on his face. I took a deep breath and turned around. I shut down the system. I'm was pretty sure no one wanted to continue after this. Jeanine announced that everyone could go, and I had to stop myself from running to get out of there.

To be honest, I didn't exactly know what I was running from. I got into the elevator but unfortunately, someone stepped in it, at the last minute. When I looked at his face, I took a deep breath. Of course, it had to be Eric.

"I assume you liked the show." I looked at him with a disgusted look on my face. "What show Eric? That's wasn't a show, it was a beat down," He rolled his eyes. "You and your smart talk. You act as you know and understand everything. Well, bad news glasses, you don't get to understand everything. " I looked away from him angrily.

Anywhere but him. I just couldn't believe that it was him. He changed so much in so little time. The guy I used to study with is now beating people to death. And the most terrifying thing is; I can't deny the fact that deep down, I admired him, somehow.

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