Chapter Thirty-One

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I woke up with fatigue all around my body.

My head was pounding and I felt like shit. " She woke up!" Someone yelled. I grunted with how high the voice was and it made my ears hurt. I couldn't exactly understand where I was. I was definitely lying down, it was one of the most comfortable surfaces I'd been on for the last week.

And I didn't think I was dead, probably

. I closed and opened my eyes a couple of times, trying to adjust to the new environment I was in. From the corner of my eye, I saw four people rushing to where I was. When they came closer I recognized them, they were my friends.

" Angela," Rose spoke up, as she was the first on to kneel next to me. " How are you feeling?" she asked me. " Like shit," I replied. I heard some giggles. " As expected, you got shot after all," Samantha said. I grunted as I tried to sit straight.

" Samantha," I said. My voice was raspy and I was thirsty. " Shh, don't waste your energy, " she said but I shook my head. " I am sorry," I said, tears filling my eyes. " It's okay," she replied. " I forgive you, we all do," Samantha said again.

" We thought we lost you," Rose said. " Seeing you like that was one of the worst things ever," Ian murmured. " Still, it was my fault that started it all, I am so sorry, Samantha," I said with my cracked voice. She smiled as a tear dropped from her eyes.

" It's all forgiven now," she said and then she laughed, " Besides now I can compare you to others by saying you took a bullet for me, what did the others do?" she said and we all laughed. Laughing hurt and soon I started coughing.

" You should rest," Sam said, " Your body is still too weak," he continued. I nodded, I agreed. Just because my friends and I were good now didn't mean my body magically healed. I wondered where we are and how we got out, where Four and Tris was but it all disappeared into the darkness as I closed my eyes.

When I finally woke up again, I felt a lot better. I didn't know how long it had been. I didn't know where I was either. I found myself laying on a couch. I got up and sat. I felt pressure on my stomach. I pulled my shirt a bit up and saw the bondage I had.

" Shit," I murmured to myself. It was going to leave a mark. I got up, slowly. It hurt but it wasn't unbearable. I started to walk, my steps were small, but I didn't expect much from myself.

When I got out of the room I was in, I found myself in a corridor. It seemed like nighttime and there was no one around. I took a deep breath as I started walking. I didn't know where I was going, I was just walking.

After a while, I heard voices. It was coming behind the big room at the end of the door. I grabbed the handle of the door, opening it. The door made a loud nice and as I put my head in, everyone inside turned to me. There were fifty or at least forty people there, all dressed in black.

Where they under the serum?

Then I spotted the people in the middle of them. Tris and Four. " Angela," Tris said as we had eye contact. I smiled at her and got my body inside the room fully. I started walking towards them, all eyes being on me.

Tris quickly came to my side and grabbed my waist. Her support made me walk easier. She led me to the front where my friends were standing. Ian and Sam took Tris's place, grabbing me by the waist and being my support. Four gave me a friendly nod before he started talking again.

" As I was saying, Max and the rest of the leaders had conspired with Jeanine Matthews into overthrowing Abnegation and they have injected you with a serum. The serum basically turned you into robots, you obeying whatever they ordered you to. They have taken away your free will, this was a week ago. We were just able to free you, thanks to Caleb Prior and Angela Anderson, forming a gas to release you from the effects," Four explained.

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